Supreme Court upholds Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban

In a significant victory for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court has upheld the travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries. In a 5-4 ruling on Tuesday, the court bought the government’s argument that the ban was "within the president’s power to craft national security policy and his authority to suspend entry of aliens into the United States."
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion, with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan - all liberals - dissenting.

The court held that the challengers had failed to show that the ban violates either U.S. immigration law or the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment prohibition on the government favoring one religion over another.
Trump was feeling vindicated after lower courts had blocked his travel ban announced in September 2017, as well as two prior versions, in legal challenges brought by the State of Hawaii and others.
Minutes after the news, Trump hailed the ruling.