'Supergirl' Season 5 Episode 13: Mon-El returns on the 100th episode and fans hail Kara and him as 'endgame'

'Supergirl' achieved a milestone on February 23. The episode, titled 'It's a Super Life' was a landmark for the CW show as it was the 100th one in the series. Packed with cameos, drama and comedy, the episode was hailed as a favorite by fans. In this one, Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) ponders over the numerous possibilities where she could have come clean to her ex- BFF Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) about her secret identity. At the end, Kara realises that she has been beating herself up more than she should have.
For fans, the highlight of the episode was Kara's former love interest Mon-El's (Chris Woods) appearance. The character had left in Season 3, and since then, there had been no strong potential love interest for Kara and William Dey does not count.
Fans were happy to see Mon-El, and hailed Kara and Mon-El as the endgame.
One fan tweeted, "And don’t think I missed the heart eyes between Kara and Mon-El! Because GET A ROOM. Imagine believing those two won’t always love each other. So no matter what happens, I’m just going to go on believing they find their way back to each other. Someday."
"Out of everyone she could have asked to talk to, she specifically wanted to talk to Mon-El," tweeted a fan.
A fan exulted, "And now...I miss them so much already. Seeing Mon-El and Karamel again was the greatest gift I could ask for the 100th episode. All these versions just showed how much Mon-El belongs in Kara's life. They are truly made for each other."
In the episode, Kara wants Mon-El's perspective on her friendship with Lena. Quoting Mxyzptlk, a fan wrote, "Kara: I wanna get his perspective. Mxy: I never understood what you saw in him. It was Kara herself who decided to get Mon-El’s perspective over her friendship with Lena. She knew he'd always been so encouraging and has always given the best advice."
'Supergirl' airs on CW Sundays at 9 pm.