Super Potty Trainer on 'Shark Tank': What is the cost, who is the founder and how it helps kids use toilet

More often than not, the products that make their way to 'Shark Tank' are those that solve simple problems. These are inventions that hope to fix issues that anyone can have, with their inventors often having an 'ah-ha' moment that goes on to change their lives and the lives of their consumers.
This week's Super Potty Trainer is a classic example of just that. Parents of young children need all the help they can get, especially when it comes to learning new habits. Toilet training is easily one of the harder ones and it's not always easy for kids to make transition from diapers and baby potties into using normal toilets. But looks like the Super Potty Trainer is here to solve that problem once and for all.
What is Super Potty Trainer?
For children, the transition from diapers, to kid potties to toilets is not easy. It also is a cumbersome process for the adult taking care of the child. Having them sit on a toilet often results in them fearing that they might fall in since it is not designed for younger children. The Super Trainer works to fix that issue. Seeing that the founder's own child was afraid of falling, she came up with this nifty little invention that helps kids use the toilet with ease.
Per the website, the Super Potty Trainer 'consists of steady back support that allows the child to sit "directly" on the toilet on day one and adjust the size of the toilet seat as the child grows. With its non-skid high-density silicone pads and the weight of the child, the Super Potty Trainer will not move, defeating the fear of falling in the toilet.'
This one product solution is simple and easy to use and helps deal with situations that could otherwise be problematic. The website also mentions that children often 'hold it' in order to avoid going to the bathroom, which can cause constipation and other issues. The Super Potty trainer helps make the whole experience less traumatic.
One of the key features of the product is that it claims to be so easy, that even a kid can use it. The instructions for use on the website are as follows:
Lift the seat to put in place.
Lower the seat to secure.
Enjoy fear-free toilet training.
Who is the founder?
For mom Judy Abrahams, this issue was close to home and stemmed from her daughter's own need and fear, seeing that she struggled to use the toilet. Unable to find the right solution, Abrahams, who is a paralegal professional, decided to come up with one on her own. It was then that she invented the Super Potty Trainer in her garage.
"Her biggest fear, like any other child going through potty training, is to fall in," Abrahams said while talking to WCVB. "It has silicone that prevents the movement. So you lift the toilet, you place the Super Potty Trainer in position on the toilet rim, you lift down and that's it," she added, explaining just how the device works.
Seeing that her invention did the trick, Abrahams joined forces with Christopher Guerrera, her business partner. "When I took this product to parents and to children, the kids themselves viewed this like a toy. Literally," Guerrera explained. "It was well-received. It's very different than any other device in the market. It's the right way from day one," Guerrera added.
What is the cost and where to buy Super Potty Trainer from?
You can order the Super Potty Trainer from the website, where it retails for $19.88 The product also retails on Amazon for $24.95. The product is also sold at Walmart and Homedepot. As listed on the website, the features include —
Fits all standard-sized toilet bowls (round and elongated)
Adjustable back support (can be positioned near or far)
Silicone pads prevent movement once in place
Promotes safety and eliminates fear of falling in
Real training on a real potty. No more poop buckets!
Where is the Super Potty Trainer now?
As per a recent post on Instagram, the Super Potty Trainer is now patented. The product has been doing fairly well, seeing that it has received largely positive reviews online.
"The Super Potty Trainer is absolutely brilliant. I couldn't believe the simplicity of the design and how easy it is to use. Gone are the days of cleaning out the old school 'potty bowl' which are just nasty and about as much work as changing a diaper. With STP you can now train your babies to use the toilet from very early on. I love this product!" wrote a user.
"The super potty trainer is a marvelously simple solution to an age-old problem. It can be moved to make the hole under the seat of any toilet anywhere from a little smaller to a lot smaller. Rubber feet make it perfectly stable and safe for both babies and toddlers. Small enough that you can put it in a diaper bag and take it with you when traveling to visit friends and family. The super potty trainer is simple, reliable, and portable. Why didn't someone think of this before now?" added another.
Who will steal the deal?
Lori Greiner might be the shark who takes the bait. Greiner already has a product under this category, seeing that she invested in the Squatty Potty back on season 6. Greiner made a deal of $350,000 for a 10% stake in the company, which went on to become one of her most successful investments, having made $164 million in sales, as reported by ABC.

‘Shark Tank’ Season 12 Episode 25 returns to ABC after a week's break. Catch the latest episode featuring products like DinoDon, Copper Cow Coffee and Lit Handlers airs on May 21, 2021, from 8 pm ET to 9 pm ET.
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