'Stranger Things' Season 4 Episode 8: Did Will admit he's GAY?

Contains spoilers for 'Stranger Things' Season 4 Episode 8
There have been a lot of talks about Will’s sexuality in the ‘Stranger Things’ universe and Season 4 made everyone believe that he is gay and is actually in love with Mike. Will and Mike have been best of friends since Season 1 and Mike has done everything to save him from the Demogorgons. He was instrumental in bringing him back to the real world and love played an important part in that.
In the first volume of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4, we got some glimpses of his ambiguous sexuality. He was more interested than even Mike and always told him how he is an integral part of the group. Something similar happens in Episode 8 of Season 4 when Will, Mike, Jonathan, and Argyle are on the road to find the secret facility where Eleven is taken. During one of the scenes, Mike realizes that Eleven might not need him after she gets her powers because she would have everything then. He also tells Will what if Mike finding Eleven in the woods was not destiny, but pure dumb luck?
Mike is in distress and believes that Eleven might not need him in the future and it’s the end of their relationship. Will gets really upset and shows him a painting. The painting sees Will, Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas, and everyone fighting a dragon together, and everyone is dressed as a knight. In the painting, Mike is leading the group during the fight and Will tells him that he is always going to be the leader of this group because he always inspires them. He shows Mike that his coat of arms has a heart on it and that’s what holds the party together because, without a heart, everyone will fall apart, especially Eleven.

Will tells Mike how Eleven has been so lost for so many months. However, it feels like he was talking about himself and you could see that while he was talking. Interestingly, Jonathan got that feeling too. Will says, “It’s just that she’s so different from others and when you are different, sometimes, you feel like a mistake. But you make her feel like she’s no mistake at all and that gives her the courage to fight on.”
The conversation ends with Will telling Mike that Eleven needs him and she always will and he cries while telling him that. He called himself “different” which confirms (partially) that talks about his sexuality were true and he is GAY. But what we’re interested in is how Jonathan is gonna confront him about what he just heard.
All in all, every storyline is so important to the show.