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Stormy Daniels slams Roseanne Barr following X-rated feud on Twitter

Stormy Daniels shut her down with a succinct slam-dunk response. Patricia Arquette and Chrissy Teigen are involved, too.
UPDATED JAN 27, 2020
Stormy Daniels (Source : Getty Images)
Stormy Daniels (Source : Getty Images)

Roseanne Barr has been all praises for President Donald Trump and she is not afraid to let the world know that, even if it means going after Stormy Daniels, who became a household name for her alleged affair with Donald Trump. In the tweets, Roseanne pointed fingers at Stormy's profession and the adult film star came back and schooled the 'Roseanne' actress for her comment. 

Roseanne criticized Stormy by bringing her profession (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

It all started when a now-deleted comment by one of the users caught the attention of Stormi which urged her to speak up. The comment read: “You’re disgusting and do not represent classy women AT ALL. Your fifteen minutes of fame will be up soon and we will all be thrilled when that day comes!” Stormi was quick to respond as she wrote, "Have you seen my t*ts? (Of course, you have) I don’t jog anywhere. So I’ll just sit here, sipping my coffee and talking sh*t. Xoxo.”

Seeing what Stormi had written, Oscar winner Patricia Arquette also played a part in the feud between Roseanne and Stormy. “Following this logic, if she doesn’t represent ‘classy women’ I guess that means the President represents classless men? Hmm. Interesting…” Patricia wrote. 

Stormy hit back at Roseanne for her comment (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

What caught the attention of Stormy was the comment which was left in Patricia's tweet by none other than Roseanne. "She’s known for anal porn scenes," the comment read. Stormy did not refrain herself from hitting back at the actress and went on to bring National Anthem goof-up into the picture. 

“I don’t even do anal movies, you ignorant t**t. That’s like saying you are known for your beautiful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner,” she wrote. The National Anthem incident that Stormy refers to in her tweet dates back to when Roseanne was set to perform the anthem head of a San Diego Padres game in 1990. The performance did not go as planned and ended up receiving a lot of criticism from people. 

In the performance, Roseanne could be seen shouting her way through the song and even grabbing her crotch at the end and spitting on the pitcher’s mound. Stormy hit back at Roseanne one last time as she tweeted, "Follow @StormyDaniels so u can stay informed of what’s important in our country! thanks!”