'P-Valley' Episode 7 Review: Fear and loathing in Chucalissa as characters settle accounts on Pynk's last night

The long-awaited Episode 7 of 'P-Valley' was finally aired and maybe because the rest of Season 1 has been so packed with twists, this felt like a slower episode in contrast. But it does work as the penultimate chapter, setting up for finale showdowns.
First, the bad news. It does look for all intents and purposes that the Pynk will be downing shutters. Despite the show being greenlit for Season 2, we might have non-Pynk narrative arcs that follow the characters instead. Even the intervention by Uncle Clifford using Pastor Patrice Woodbine to stage protests against the casino looks like it is too last-minute to matter. All it does is ruffle Mercedes' feathers, who despite her pep talk to Uncle Clifford, wants to skip Pynk's last night because of the betrayal. But Uncle Clifford's combination of pleas about not ditching her Pynk family and a reminder of the number of times she has helped Mercedes convinces her.
But as Mercedes puts it, it is "everybody's last dance" and time for "Plan Bs". In keeping with the spirit of the "last night", scores are settled across Chucalissa. In the mayor's office, a showdown with the Kyle Brothers, Wayne and Wyatt, followed by the protests against the casino in the "Tydell Ruffin Park", puts Mayor Tydell in a tight corner, especially with regard to his reelection. He reacts by essentially telling Andre, his godson, that he is done with him once the Pynk is acquired — one, because Andre engineered the lease agreement for the Kyle property behind his back and two, because the land deals have become a open secret because Andre was too lax in guarding the plans. But the real reason behind his wrath is because Andre calls him out on his hypocrisy for "not helping the folks he is supposed to" — something he is not willing to face himself.

Meanwhile, Uncle Clifford also snaps ties with Corbyn Kyle who shows up bruised and beaten up by his brothers on his doorstep. When Corbyn refuses to loan her money for the Pynk and also scolds her for staging the casino protests that will make his lease deal go away, Uncle Clifford draws a line. She tells him that next time he wants to be "beaten" referring to his BDSM escapades at the Pynk, he should just go to his brothers. However, some connections just grow stronger in this moment of crisis. Keyshawn almost makes out with DIamond but moves away when Gidget interrupts them raging about her boyfriend not showing up. Lil' Murda courts Uncle Clifford in her own car, lit up with starry lights on the banks of the river, "showing her stars" literally and figuratively, fogging up the car windows. However, their little romantic rendezvous is spotted by Lil' Murda's manager.
But, contrary to all expectations, Lil' Murda's manager accepts the relationship. His words imply that he too has experienced same-sex attraction but was never brave like Lil' Murda to follow up on it. But even though he gets that "the heart wants what the heart wants", he does warn Lil' Murda that if he wants his music career to go right, he can't let folks know about what he "does in the dark" at the Pynk. While this won't help Lil' Murda coming out and openly accepting his sexuality, it does mean that he has someone in his corner, besides Keyshawn, when it comes to his love for Uncle Clifford.

Inside the Pynk, Mercedes is still Uncle Clifford's "bottom bitch" — but Autumn "Hailey" Night is pleasantly surprised to be included by Uncle Clifford in the circle of solidarity the girls and the Pynk's support staff form just before the night begins. Unfortunately, in between all the praying, the "Team Pynk" solidarity, and montage about the labor that goes into Pynk getting ready each night, there is some bad mojo coming down the pipe too.
Derrick, Keyshawn's abusive White boyfriend, turns up and while Gidget tries to get him to back off, he threatens her right back, getting in her face. It is obvious that he has hurt Keyshawn again before she came to the club because of her trembling hands. When Gidget distressed asks, more to herself than anyone in particular, why she doesn't just leave him, Autumn with the weight of personal experience says, "because that is when they try to kill you". Her words foreshadow the doom coming her way in the shape of Montavius.
The sheriff spots Autumn walking into the Pynk when he comes to give a "no nudity" order to Uncle Clifford — the last "courtesy" dished out by the Mayor. He recognizes Autumn as the "missing" Hailey and informs her "worried husband". The night ends with Montavius getting Autumn alone in the Paradise room, demanding his money. We see Autumn trembling just like Keyshawn was as the screen goes black. Even though we have to wait for the finale to know what will happen, the good news is that Mercedes has picked up on the fact that Autumn was acting sketched out when she goes with her "customer". She might not know that he is Montavius, but her stripper sixth sense is on high alert. We can just hope that she follows her instincts.
The next episode of 'P-Valley' will air on Sunday, September 6, at 8 pm ET on Starz.