'Star Trek: Picard' Season 1 Episode 2: Too slow and unwatchable, complain fans

After more than two decades, Jean-Luc Picard is back with Earl Grey tea, but decaf, this time.
The second episode of the series 'Star Trek: Picard' aired on January 29, and was packed with much sci-fi information and exposition. The good news? Picard is heading back on a rogue intergalactic mission to search for his close android friend Data's 'daughter' Sohj.
A lot happened in the episode, and fans are trying to process it all.
The reactions are rather mixed, as some viewers were quite satisfied with the episode and were excited to see what lies ahead, while others complained that it was too slow.
A fan seemed rather unsure of where the show was going. "#StarTrekPicard Ep 2 seemed to confirm some of my reasons for being hesitant if not upset where the show is going. I don’t need Starfleet to be perfect or devoid of antagonists for main characters, but when Trek used Starfleet as an “enemy” there was usually nuance behind it," a fan wrote.
"#StarTrekPicard is awful. I gave it 15 minutes and it was unwatchable. All I could gather was it was a continuation of the last crappy movie. Whoever controls Star Trek needs a new job," wrote another fan.
Another tweeted, "Unless its going somewhere fantastic #StarTrekPicard pace is starting to wear out its welcome. I kept thinking 'ok, lets get on with it already. Why are we still on Earth?. I also took issue with the reasons Picard has for not asking his former crew for help. It doesn’t track."
"Episode 2 of Picard was uninspiring, the antithesis of what #StarTrekPicard should be and devoid of the heart and soul of its next gen forebears. I am weary of it already," wrote another fan.
A fan seemed rather distraught about the swearing on the show. "@SirPatStew I was disappointed with the use of the F bomb in the episode. How many many F bombs were dropped in the Original Series, Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and Enterprise? None. Show some class," wrote a fan.
However, other fans were impressed with the episode and wrote that it was "amazing" and that "it was getting better and better with each episode".
"23 minutes in, and #StarTrekPicard has given me more feels than anything Trek has done in 3 movies and a season. THIS is how you modernize Trek."
"Finished S1E2 of #StarTrekPicard. Such brilliant stuff. Good night now," tweeted another fan.
'Star Trek: Picard' airs on CBS-All Access, Thursdays at 12:01 am.