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'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 3 Episode 8 Preview: Philippa Georgiou battles for existence in quest to go home

Reality itself seems to be rejecting Philippa Georgiou but she's not going to give in without a fight

What happens when the Empress of a dark and twisted Mirror Universe is yanked into another timeline, then shot into a future that's somehow drifted impossibly far from the universe she calls home? If the last few episodes have been any indication, reality itself is starting to reject Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh), but the former Empress and perennial badass is not about to go down without a fight.

That's right, it's Philippa Georgiou vs reality itself, in a two-part episode starting December 10, and we know who we're placing our bets on. Georgiou's unique problem was first brought to light in Episode 5 where a Starfleet interrogator (played by director David Cronenburg) told her that in the 32nd Century, the Mirror Universe is no longer within reach of the universe Georgiou is currently in — in fact, there's been no recorded crossover for over 500 years.

Since then, Georgiou has been experiencing disruptive, unexplained visions, and in the last episode, she seemed to almost warp and dissolve into nothingness while under examination. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) claims to have answers with regard to her unique case but we are yet to find out what that is.

In the promo for the next episode, we see the return of the Starfleet interrogator, discussing Georgiou's case with Culber. It looks like 'Discovery' is putting Georgiou's story front and center in a two-part episode called 'Terra Firma', a title that appears to reference both the Terran-conquered universe Georgiou hails from as well as her increasing instability in this reality.

Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) joins Georgiou on her search for a cure, as a "mysterious planet" apparently holds key answers in regards to her unique condition. With no real precedent for this kind of situation, only one thing's for sure — Georgiou is not going to go quietly into that good night.

The synopsis for this episode, titled 'Terra Firma, Part 1', reads, "The USS Discovery crew journey to a mysterious planet in hopes of finding a cure for Georgiou’s deteriorating condition. Stamets and Adira make a stunning breakthrough with the newly acquired Burn data." You can watch a sneak peek for the episode below, where secrets into Georgiou's condition are revealed. It appears that her molecules are trying to return her to her home but unfortunately for her, there's no home to go to.


This episode of 'Star Trek: Discovery' airs on December 10 on CBS All Access.