'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 3 Episode 5 Preview: The Federation is found but is what remains worth saving?
When the Discovery arrived in the future, there was relief in finding out that the 32nd Century had been saved, and that they had successfully managed to stop Control from eradicating all known life in the universe. However, whatever relief that brought them was soon dashed by the knowledge that about a hundred years prior to their arrival, a mysterious event known as The Burn was responsible for the end of the Federation as a unifying force across the galaxy. They've been trying to locate the central Federation hub ever since – and in the next episode of 'Star Trek: Discovery', they have finally done so. But what happens now?
The reunion between the Discovery and the Federation is an important one for both parties. The crew has been looking for a sense of purpose in this strange new world, and the Federation could sorely use the help of one of the only ships in the universe that can travel through subspace across galaxies without the need for the increasingly rare warp-drive fuel source, dilithium crystals. In fact, the trailer for the next episode shows that the Federation is going to be relying on the Discovery for an important mission, one that the Discovery is uniquely equipped to be able to handle.
There are, of course, some major concerns amongst the crew, especially from Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), who wonders what the Federation has become after 930 years. Saru (Doug Jones) reassures her that the Federation's most important ideals will have remained, but that's not all that Burnham wants to know - she still needs to solve the mystery of her mother.
The biggest question is whether or not the Federation must be rebuilt in the first place. The Discovery may have brought its core ideals back to the galaxy, episode by episode, but the Federation itself had proven a failure in the wake of The Burn, unable to hold together a universe that was falling apart. While these events may have been out of their control, there is nonetheless never been a better opportunity to leave the Federation behind - and start something new in its place, better suited for the challenges of the future.
The synopsis for this episode, entitled 'Die Trying', reads, "After reuniting with what remains of Starfleet and the Federation, the U.S.S. Discovery and its crew must prove that a 930-year-old crew and starship are exactly what this new future needs." You can watch a sneak peek for the episode below, which features Saru and Michael Burnham sharing a discussion while on the brink of reuniting with Federation headquarters.
This episode of 'Star Trek: Discovery' airs November 12, on CBS All Access.