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Who is Sophia Rosing? Drunk Kentucky student jailed for racially abusing and attacking Black woman

Sophia Rosing's bigoted outbursts continued even when the police finally arrived and handcuffed her
UPDATED JAN 16, 2023
Sophia Rosing (inset) was arrested on charges of public intoxication, assault, disorderly conduct, and assault to a police officer (Fayette County Detenti and Twitter)
Sophia Rosing (inset) was arrested on charges of public intoxication, assault, disorderly conduct, and assault to a police officer (Fayette County Detenti and Twitter)

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY: In a horrific incident caught on camera early Sunday, a University of Kentucky student was jailed for assaulting a Black student employee and continually using racial slurs. Sophia Rosing, a student, was taken into custody shortly before at a residence hall on campus. According to online booking information, the individual was arrested for public intoxication, assault, disorderly conduct, and assaulting a police officer. Her bail was set by a court at $10,000.

According to a student who works at the front desk of the residence hall, Rosing, who is white, entered the university's Boyd Hall and appeared heavily intoxicated. Kylah Spring, the student worker, said in a TikTok video that she tried to check on the woman but was instead assaulted and bombarded with filthy comments.


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The University of Kentucky took to Twitter to address the incident and wrote, Early this morning, a disturbing incident was captured on video in a residence hall. The video is deeply offensive, and we take it very seriously." In another tweet, the statement reads, "An arrest has been made. We are conducting an immediate review and have reached out to the student victim to offer support."

Rosing repeatedly shouted the n-word while trying to assault and abuse Spring in frightening recordings that were circulated on social media. After attempting to swing at Rosing, Spring requested, "Would you stop please?" as seen in one video. Rosing replied, "Nope. You’re a n**r and you’re a b***h." "Oh Jesus lord, I do not get paid enough for this,” Spring calmly said. A voice off-camera said, "I got this all on video."

Rosing lunged at them and kicked Spring when she and another student attempted to get her into a seat. Additional video shows her attempting to push a shopping cart at them after that. As she was being told to complete her chores, Spring claimed that Rosing repeatedly struck, kicked, and bit her arm. Spring said, "The girl starts saying things like ‘do my chores,’ ‘it’s not my fault that you’re Black,’ ‘it’s not my fault that you’re ugly,’ and at this point, she’s like singing the N-word."

Rosing's bigoted outburst continued even after the police eventually arrived and handcuffed her. Rosing continued to sing the n-word while the officer handcuffed her and put her hands behind her back. "Hey, guess what? You’re going to jail," the office arresting her said. Rosing allegedly bit and kicked a police officer, which prompted an allegation of assault against her.

The ugly incident has reached UK President Eli Capilouto who said in a statement, "we condemn this behavior and will not tolerate it under any circumstance. The safety and well-being of our community has been — and will continue to be — our top priority. Let us take this moment, painful and ugly though it is, to remind ourselves of the work we must remain committed to as a community where everyone is welcome and feels that they belong."