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‘Society of Snow’ Ending Explained: Do Nando and Roberto survive? Expedition East proves successful

‘Society of the Snow’ effectively captures poignant moments, marking it as a notable addition to the survival thriller genre in recent cinema
‘Society of Snow’ still and official poster
‘Society of Snow’ still and official poster

ANDES MOUNTAINS, SOUTH AMERICA: The recently released Spanish survival thriller on Netflix, ‘Society of the Snow’, offers a compelling retelling of the tragic 1972 Andes flight disaster and the remarkable resilience displayed by the survivors.

In October 1972, an aircraft en route from Uruguay to Chile crashed in the treacherous Andes mountains. While the crash claimed the lives of some passengers, others faced the harsh conditions, desperately awaiting rescue.

‘Society of the Snow’ effectively captures poignant moments, marking it as a notable addition to the survival thriller genre in recent cinema.

What is the plot of ‘Society of the Snow’?

‘Society of Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)
‘Society of Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)

‘Society of the Snow’ kicks off in Montevideo, Uruguay, introducing key characters, particularly the Old Christians Club rugby team. The film captures the camaraderie among the players, emphasizing their excitement about an upcoming match in Chile.

As the group embarks on an upcoming match in Chile, the initially joyous atmosphere takes a drastic turn when the plane encounters stormy weather near the Andes Mountain range.

Attempting to navigate through a pass between mountains, the pilots lose control, resulting in a crash.

‘Society of the Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)
‘Society of the Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)

While some passengers are killed upon impact, the survivors face a daunting challenge—stranded in the snowy Andes, they must endure a harrowing wait for rescue.

‘Society of the Snow’ ending explained 

‘Society of the Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)
‘Society of the Snow’ official trailer screengrab (YouTube/@netflix)

On the 36th day post-crash, Roberto, Nando, Tintin, and Numa venture eastward, hoping to reach Chile. Despite facing harsh weather, they trek through the Andes on the Argentinian side. The Expedition East proved successful when Roberto and Nando encountered signs of life and a lone villager. Communicating with the villagers, they send a message for help, marking a crucial turning point in their survival.

At the film's conclusion, Nando and Roberto reach a Chilean village, heralding their miraculous survival. Media coverage spread the news, reaching the stranded survivors at the crash site. Rescue helicopters arrived, saving them from impending death.

The survivors, bound by an extraordinary bond, showcased the resilience of human determination in the face of adversity, creating a society within the snowy conditions.

The poignant scene of a survivor adamantly carrying a suitcase containing the belongings of the deceased reflects the enduring connection forged during their harrowing ordeal. The film leaves a lasting impression, emphasizing the indomitable spirit of those who survived and honoring the memories of those who tragically died.