Teen spent 3 months in hospital after bullies tell her "you're going to kill yourself' in sickening video

A 15-year-old girl in Australia was told by teenage bullies that "you are going to kill yourself" in a repulsive Snapchat video. Amber Panozza ended up spending three months in hospital with anxiety-induced malnutrition after she went through years of cyber-bullying which, her concerned parents say, caused her to stop eating completely. According to parents Michelle and Aaron Panozza, the "final straw" came in the form of a video that was filmed by two of Amber's classmates.
In several Snapchat clips, the girls are heard yelling and swearing at the camera. Mirror Online reported that one of the teen girls, who cannot be identified, can be heard saying: "If I f***ing see you, Amber, you are gonna probably drown. You know what, you are going to kill yourself because everybody hates you."