'Terror In The Skies': New documentary to throw light on mysterious winged creatures including the recent Chicago Mothman
The numerous sightings sparked a worldwide phenomenon that catapulted the legend of the Mothman to the same level as those of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster

A security guard for a popular Logan Square hangout in Chicago, The Owl, was having a regular summer night in 2017 when he went outside and saw something very strange.
He said in an interview at the time: "I saw a plane flying, but also something moving really awkwardly under it. It didn't look like a bat so much as what illustrations of pterodactyls look like, with the slenderness of its head and its wing shape. I know what birds and what bats look like. This thing didn't have any feathers or fur, and it didn't fly like anything I've ever seen."
Amitrano also told VICE that the strange creature he saw, had muscular legs, a jutting tailbone, and a human-like shape.