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'Sight' Review: Terry Chan and Greg Kinnear's emotional drama is nothing short of inspirational

'Sight' follows the story of a renowned eye surgeon Dr Ming Wang from poverty to becoming a respected opthalmologist
UPDATED MAY 25, 2024
'Sight' tells the true story of Dr Ming Wang tracing his life from China to America (@openriverentertainment)
'Sight' tells the true story of Dr Ming Wang tracing his life from China to America (@openriverentertainment)

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE: 'Sight' releases in theatres on May 24, 2024, and it tells the story of Dr Ming Wang (Terry Chen) and his journey from China to the United States where he explores his full potential to become a renowned eye surgeon. 

'Sight' is directed by Andrew Hyatt and stars Terry Chen and Greg Kinnear in important roles. The movie chronicles the inner growth of Dr Ming Wang was born into a poor family and spent most of his youth surviving violence in communist China. His skills as an ophthalmologist are tested at every stage of his journey. 

The makers of 'Sight' focus extensively on Dr Ming's inner world and take the audience on a beautiful journey into the mind of a man who is jolted after a failure. His inspirational journey becomes a catalyst for excellent cinema. Here is a detailed review of the film. 

Exceptional writing builds this emotional drama

A still from the movie 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)
A still from the movie 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)

The film is an ode to perseverance and overcoming failures. The first act of the film starts with a glimpse of hope while the second act is all about the obstacles that push Dr Ming Yang to a corner. As the movie moves into its third act, the protagonist realizes that he must face his failures if he has to achieve the excellence that he eventually goes on to achieve in the field of ophthalmology. 

A constant in this film is the inner growth of Dr Ming's character through failure and adversity. Dr Ming's life, albeit dramatically, goes through many challenges that his life has to offer. But his growth through those challenges is what makes him the man that he is. His growth arc is scripted exceptionally. 

Terry Chen and Greg Kinnear give staggering performances

Terry Chen in a still from 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)
Terry Chen in a still from 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)

Terry Chen is exceptional in his role as Dr Ming. The character needs him to go through various phases of a tumultuous life and he does that with perfection. Terry is great at emoting through silence, he brings out Dr Ming's inner monologue perfectly in the film. 

Greg Kinnear is like a rock in the role of a confidante, mentor, and deuteragonist. He gives a solid performance to play the ideal foil for Terry and being the thorough professional that he is, he lets Terry shine in many scenes and elevates his performance by being subtle and understated. 

A special mention also goes out to Mia SwamiNathan who plays the young Kajal and is exceptional in a small but impactful role. 

'Sight' is an ode to the human spirit

A still from the movie 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)
A still from the movie 'Sight' (@openriverentertainment)

'Sight' will be remembered as a film that encapsulates the human spirit of perseverance and hope. The film is about fighting to make a difference and overcoming obstacles that come in the way of it. 

It shows the journey of a common man who reaches extraordinary heights and will serve as an inspiration to people around the world as they try to make the world a better place to live in 

'Sight' Trailer 


'Sight' is releasing in theaters on May 24, 2024