What is Sig Hansen's net worth? Northwestern captain from 'Deadliest Catch' gave voice to Crabby in 'Cars 2'

If the past 16 seasons of 'Deadliest Catch' is anything to go by, it's that taking on the Bering Sea requires determination and tenacity. Add the ability to face danger in a dynamic situation and you have all the trappings for a fine captain. And if there is anyone who fits that bill, it's Sig Hansen, Captain of the Northwestern.
To say that fishing runs through his blood would be an understatement, seeing that Hansen is a seasoned pro, who has been in the game for the longest timing, earning the respect of his crew and peers alike.
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He started his career at a very young age
Hansen's father, Sverre Hansen was a Norwegian fisherman -- if you've ever wondered what the 'SH' on the Northwestern's hull stands for, it is the initials of his name. Sverre built the Northwestern on 1977 and eventually handed it over to his son, Sig. Hansen, who been fishing ever since he was 14 and became relief captain at 22, found himself leading the ship and its crew at the rather young age of 26. But his young age didn't stop him from being a formidable force.
One of Northwestern's crowning glory is the fact that it remains the fleet most efficient and safest boats. As a captain, Hansen is all about results and loyalty. The rules on his ship are simple -- if you can't bring in a catch, you go back to being a deckhand.
While he's a tough captain, he's definitely well-respected. Hansen's rules and convictions don't just end at his crew, but have extended to the camera crew of the show as well, seeing that hey do come aboard his ship.
In an interview with The Fishing Website, Hansen explained how superstitions do play a role when you're a fisherman, no matter how big or small. "The superstitions have always been there, but they are not going to stop us from fishing. It’s more of a thing you do for bar-talk or to make conversation," he explained.
"Not leaving port on a Friday is one superstition, and the one about suitcases we take seriously. The first camera crew tried to take a bunch of suitcases on board, but we refused, so they had to unpack everything onto the boat and leave the suitcases on the dock." He added.
Hansen has struggled with his health over the past seasons
Hansen's struggle with his health is no secret -- the captain has suffered two heart attacks, once in 2016 and later in 2018. However, the second heart attack is what led to seafarer to end his smoking habit, seeing that he got caught in the hospital, smoking.
"I was in the hallway smoking. They caught me. They chased me down the hall and they caught me. I looked like the biggest a**hole," he said, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "They caught me red-handed. I never touched a cigarette after that. I’m thinking to myself, “How pathetic can you be? How much control does addiction have over me?” I never smoked ever again. Had I not been busted for smoking, I probably would still be smoking to this day" he added.
What's his net worth?
As the owner and the captain of the Northwestern, Hansen does pretty well for himself. Apart from this, is also a star on 'Deadliest Catch', as well as the show's technical advisor. He is even a published author, having written 'North By Northwestern: A Seafaring Family on Deadly Alaskan Waters', which made it to the New York Times bestseller list.
Apart from this, he's even done a bit of voice acting, seeing that he provided the voice for the character 'Crabby' in the animated movie 'Cars 2' and took part in ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ With all these ventures, it comes as no surprise that Hansen has a net worth of $4 million, as reported by Celebrity Net Worth.
Catch season 17 of 'Deadliest Catch' on Tuesdays at 8pm ET/PT on Discovery. You can also stream the episodes on Discovery+.