'Siesta Key': Fans seem convinced Alyssa's father is thrilled about her pregnancy because of Alex's money

Alyssa Salerno took her partner Alex Kompothecras back after he cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend Juliette Porter. But that is now a thing of the past. Alyssa and Alex are looking at a new and brighter future together, with their baby in it. Therefore, the people close to them needed to be included in their celebrations and what better to start with than their parents.
In this week's episode of 'Siesta Key', Alyssa visited her parents' (Nick and Allison Salerno) house to share the big news with them. Both of them were ecstatic at first, especially Nick, but Allison seemed concerned about what happened earlier. She was aware of Alex having hooked up with Juliette in Nashville weeks ago and was visibly worried about it. "This baby doesn't deserve that. He needs to know that," Allison said as she wiped away her tears.
It has been quite the predicament for Alyssa. These past few weeks she had fought with her feelings, juggling between possibly letting him go and taking him back. But with the baby in the picture, being back with Alex seemed like a wise option to her. The child will need both of its parents to be around. She has taken quite the leap of faith and let's hope it works out well for her.
Meanwhile, fans think Nick, Alyssa's father, is thrilled about Alyssa and Alex having a baby because of all the money she will have access to. It's quite the wild speculation, but people like to assume. "Do her parents not know wtf Alex did go her?? Okay now they clearly do. WHY is her dad saying it’d be amazing if she married Alex?? He must like the look of that money. #SiestaKey," a fan commented.
Another shared: "Well it seems like Dad is more excited about the possibility of Kompo money.... #SiestaKey." "Because if she leaves him they will get so much money for support from Alex if he actually has the money," another viewer expressed, to which one fan responded: "Omg I was thinking the same he’s like the hell with that cheating stuff."
Catch all the new episodes of 'Siesta Key' on MTV every Tuesday.