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'Sick individual': Internet slams Florida Rep Cory Mills after he calls slain Palestinians 'paid actors'

Rep Cory Mills' comments have sparked outrage as they seemed to insinuate that individuals on the ground are fabricating injuries and deaths for some ulterior motive
Rep Cory Mills, in addition to his role in politics, is the founder of a munitions company that has supplied arms to foreign governments (Acyn/X)
Rep Cory Mills, in addition to his role in politics, is the founder of a munitions company that has supplied arms to foreign governments (Acyn/X)

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep Cory Mills (R-FL) is under fire for his recent remarks on the Israel-Hamas conflict, where he suggested that the slain Palestinian victims were "paid actors" amid the ongoing war.

These controversial statements were made during an appearance on Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a conservative media outlet, as per The Daily Beast.


Cory Mills suggests 'paid actors' are pretending to be killed amid Israel-Hamas conflict

During his appearance on RSBN, Mills asserted, "What the mainstream media is saying about the indiscriminate fire and the actors—I mean you literally have paid actors who are pretending to be killed, pretending to be treated."

His comments have sparked outrage as they seemed to insinuate that individuals on the ground are fabricating injuries and deaths for some ulterior motive.

The notion that crisis actors are involved in the Israel-Hamas conflict is not new and has often been fueled by misleading recirculations of old footage with false captions.

Such claims have frequently spread on social media platforms, contributing to the misinformation surrounding the conflict.

Mills, in addition to his role in politics, is the founder of a munitions company that has supplied arms to foreign governments. However, he has declined to disclose the specific details regarding these transactions.

(Cory Mills/X)
Cory Mills, in addition to his role in politics, is the founder of a munitions company that has supplied arms to foreign governments (Cory Mills/X)

Internet outraged at Cory Mills' provocative comment

The internet erupted with criticism following Mills' provocative comments. Users on social media expressed their discontent with his unfounded allegations.

One user on X vented, "You have to be a sick individual to say on live TV that people are faking their own deaths."


Another commenter said, "Alex Jones vibe."


One user sarcastically quipped, "Ah yes. Of course. Who hasn’t heard of the Gaza film industry?"


Meanwhile, another person wrote, "Stop trusting mainstream media and start trusting known liars is something a liar would say."


Another user commented, "Sad when inept actors end up in Congress."


Cory Mills' recent humanitarian effort in Israel

Despite the controversy surrounding his recent comments, Mills reportedly made headlines for a different reason just days ago. He successfully orchestrated the evacuation of 32 Americans who had been stranded in Israel amid the ongoing conflict.

Mills told Fox News Digital that he, in collaboration with the US embassy in Jordan, ensured the safe passage of these 32 Americans who were stuck in Tel Aviv after numerous airlines had canceled their flights. He then helped them cross the Jordanian border.

The evacuated Americans were subsequently able to arrange flights from Jordan back to their homes in the United States.

Mills expressed his commitment to the cause, stating, "You know, for me, there's a statesman and there's a politician. One acts and the other one talks, and I just couldn't sit there knowing Americans were losing their lives."

He continued, "And, look, I'm not making a massive dent in things. There's thousands of people that are still trapped there. I got 32 people out today, and I hope to get a lot more tomorrow."

Although the evacuation mission was ultimately successful, it didn't go exactly as planned. Mills had initially intended for an armored vehicle to meet him and transport the stranded travelers to Jordan. When these plans fell through, he improvised, taking a taxi to Israel and arranging for the group's escape by bus from the war-torn region.

Mills made stops in two cities to gather the stranded Americans who had organized into groups. He also revealed that many of his passengers had unsuccessfully sought assistance from the US State Department in their attempts to leave the country.