Who is Erika Lust? Porn boss gives staff masturbation breaks to beat the blues

When the boss of an adult entertainment company found out that her employees had become "agitated" during the lockdown, she came up with a unique solution. Erika Lust of Erika Lust Films started offering her employees a half-hour masturbation break every day after.
Lust is hoping to "normalize" masturbation by allowing her 36 members of staff a half-hour masturbation break every day. She has reportedly even set up a private "masturbation station" at the office.
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The pandemic has not been easy on anyone. If anything, it made life a lot more difficult. Anxiety, stress, fear, loneliness and fatigue - for many people across the globe, this was the natural state of being during the lockdown. Adding to that the pressure of performing at work, only made the situation trickier.
In the midst of all this, Lust decided to offer a much-needed break to her employees. And it is not the kind of break one would usually expect. After noticing her staff were "agitated" and "performing with less energy" during the pandemic, Lust introduced masturbation breaks.
Lust launched the initiative to coincide with Masturbation Month in May offering the extra 30-minute break. But she now plans to allow her staff to have it for the rest of the year.
"I value my employees and I know that when they feel good, we do good work," Erika Lust reportedly said. "With the pandemic and the huge shift in how we live our lives, I began to notice that my employees had become somewhat agitated and were performing with less energy than before." She added, "So, knowing that there's only one thing that will make everyone feel good, I've set up a private masturbation station for them to enjoy."
And it looks like her employees are very pleased with the new additions to their work routine. Head of communications and content at the company, Cat, was reported saying, "Picture this: a team of happy employees with their creative juices flowing and being productive because they've had some time scheduled to make themselves feel good. A masturbation break at work can result in more focus from your employees, less aggression, more productivity and better team work."
Cat's colleague Avril, a clinical sexologist and project manager of 'The Porn Conversation' concurred, and added, "Masturbation has been shown to not only make you happier, more relaxed and more focused, but it's also good for creativity and increases your drive to get things done. Plus, it releases endorphins, helps to decompress and relieves tension and stress," adding, "Basically, it's the perfect medicine for a stressful day at work."
Lust describes her work as 'sex-positive' and according to a report told Daily Mail's FEMAIL in 2015 that her primary mission is to show both men and women as "sexually liberated equals."
"It's so important to make sure my films are creative, contemporary and realistic, with beautiful and relatable settings, locals and performers. My viewers like the realistic aspect of my films as they can see themselves in them, their partners, that guy or girl on the street, or in a bar. And they enjoy characters who look like they are enjoying themselves, and a story with context, a life behind them."