Shocking clip shows cop hitting motorcyclist with his patrol car to knock him off and arrest him

A video clip of a California police officer is doing the rounds of social media where he is filmed pushing a motorcyclist off the road with his patrol car during a high-speed chase.
The clip, which was taken on Sunday afternoon, shows 26-year-old Raul Martinez crashing his bike in Rancho Cucamonga, California and rolling on the floor while being chased by a police officer.
The witnesses of the incident, however, confront the officer, stating that they saw him hit Martinez's bike with the police patrol car.
The witnesses were the riders who participated in the Elite Bikerz Fallen Brother Ride in honor of Memorial Day.
The clip shows the other riders coming close to Martinez to take a closer look of the crash when a woman, who was recording the entire incident on her cellphone, shouts at the cop, saying: "You pushed him! You pushed him down! You drug him down with your (car) and I have it on camera!"
The officer then places Martinez in handcuffs as the biker lies on the road face-down after getting hit.
The woman continues to film the incident and also captures the dent on the side of the police vehicle after it hit the bike.
"That's where it's all dented... where he knocked him down," she can be heard saying in the video.
She then shouts again at the officer, saying: "You hit him down!"
Another biker appears to approach the police officer, however, the cop pushes him away and seems to call for backup.
The California Highway Patrol reportedly provided their account of what unfolded during the incident and why the cop was chasing Martinez.
Reports state that the officer was trying to pull over Martinez while driving on the eastbound 210 Freeway.
The Highway Patrol officials said that Martinez had attempted to pass another vehicle on the right shoulder during the pursuit. They officials, in their statement, added that Martinez had been riding at a "high rate of speed."
"For unknown reasons, the left side of the Yamaha made contact with the right side of the patrol vehicle on 19th Street west of Carnelian Street," the statement said.
Reports state that Martinez, shortly after the incident, was transferred to a hospital nearby, where he was treated for minor injuries.
Rider Jose Figueroa, while talking to CBS2 News, said that Martinez was in a pack when the officer started being aggressive towards him.
"He panicked, you know? Our brother panicked, and he got out the way and sped up, tried to get out the way, and the cop chased him," said Figueroa. “We pulled up to the liquor store, and that’s when he rammed him."
The detained man's wife Desiree Garcia said: "From what I saw from the video, you know, I [saw] my husband’s brake going on. It looked like he was, he was trying to pull over, and the cop just hit him out of nowhere," CBS2 News reported on Sunday.
Martinez now faces a felony evading charge, according to Daily Mail.