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Sharon Stone tells Florida voting for Kamala Harris 'will save lives', Internet slams her for 'idiotic advise'

'As a mom, a woman, & someone who SEES you, I urge you to believe me when I say Trust is why voting for a woman in the White House will save your families lives'
UPDATED OCT 21, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Sharon Stone is pleading with voters to make the right decision during the upcoming elections. On Sunday, October 18, the actress took to her Instagram account to send a message to women voters in Florida before the upcoming November elections where she encouraged and implored them to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

The Oscar nominee had posted an image with a black background with white lettering and had addressed the note to the "Women of Florida". In the note, Stone wrote, "Hi! I've come to visit your state since I was a teenager. The sun, the music, the Keys!" 

"I made 'The Specialist' there. I raised money for battered women there. What I know about you: you're résiliant, brave, fun, smart and yes you are sexy if I can be so bold," Stone added. "Your Covid-19 numbers are scaring me, because I'm a long time infectious disease worker. I helped your families and friends w HIV/AIDS & I will be there to help you recover from this. As a mom, a woman, & someone who SEES you, I urge you to believe me when I say Trust is why voting for a woman in the White House will save your families lives."

Sharon Stone attends the Brain Health Initiative 100th Anniversary Of Women's Suffrage Gala at Eric Buterbaugh Los Angeles on July 17, 2019, in Los Angeles, California (Getty Images) 

The actress had been referring to the vice-presidential candidate paired with Joe Biden in order to oppose Trump. Before she ended the note, she shared, "VOTE #BIDENHARRIS to live."

Her post was not particularly well received by social media users who took to the comments section of her post to let it be known. One such user shared, "We don't need guidance Sharon, but thanks for your concern. We southern women in Florida are totally capable of voting without your advice. Thanks anyway. We love President Trump!!!!"

Another user commented on her post, "Sharon I respectfully decline your advice on this one. Thanks anyways. Now please go find your marbles."
A user chimed in, "Unfollowing you. When will you so called celebrities figure out we don’t give a rat's a** about your opinions anymore? We don’t have to watch your movies and I won’t ever watch another with you in it. Not that it’s an issue as your roles are far and few in between.."

Another user took to Twitter to share, "That isn’t how politics works... unless you’re entire political view is identitarian." On Instagram, more users expressed their disdain over her letter. "That is one idiotic advise. Voting for Trump. I look forward to a Republican woman president in the future." Another said, "Sharon Stone open your eyes & see the truth!"


However, there were some users who did seem to support Stone and thanked her for her comments. One user wrote on her post, "@sharonstone this letter is amazing and is another example of how much you care for not just Floridians but the entire country. #vote #biddenharris2020#asifyourlifedependedonit."

Another wrote, "@sharonstonethank you for stepping up and being a voice!!!! I appreciate you !!!! #bidenharris the only choice." Yet another added, "You inspire me daily Miss Sharon Stone. Your wisdom is refreshing, thank you."

The actress had also recently sent a message to the "Women of South Carolina" urging them to vote against Lindsey Graham. "Hello. I respect you. I love your state. I love its rich history and its beauty. I do think often that you deserve to be seen as whole people every single time you enter a room," she shared. 

"I would not dare tell you how to get that done. But I do ask, does a man like [Graham], however clever he may be, and I think he is, actually SEE you?" she added.