‘Shark Tank’: Fans left puzzled after the sharks chased Knife Aid entrepreneurs down the hallway just to accept their investment

Although season 11 of ‘Shark Tank’ is just four episodes old, we have already seen quite a few “first-time ever in the history of Shark Tank’ moments already. Episode 4 which aired on October 20, saw one such moment when not one or two but four sharks chased an entrepreneur duo down the hallway to get the duo to accept their investment and closed a deal outside of the tank for the first time.
In case you’re wondering which pitch had in Mark Cuban’s words, four sharks “groveling”, then here are all the details. Mikael Soderlindh and Marc Lickfett came on the show and pitched their in-mail knife sharpening enterprise- ‘Knife Aid’. The duo designed a system that makes it easy for the customers to get their knives sharpened without any hassles. The customers just have to mail their dull knives to the company and they will sharpen the knives and send it back in 10 days or less. The entrepreneurs came on the show seeking $400K for a 15% stake in the company. Four sharks- Lori Greiner, Rohan Oza, Kevin O’Leary, and Barbara Corcoran were interested in getting a piece of the action. They fought each other’s offers and to get the entrepreneur duo to accept their offer.
Exciting NEW #sharktank Tonight 9/8c on ABC!! @ABCSharkTank pic.twitter.com/vrV65rus9h
— Lori Greiner (@LoriGreiner) October 20, 2019
After an intense bidding-war, Rohan and Lori teamed up with an offer of $400 K for a 20% stake, while Kevin and Barbara made a joint offer of $500K for 20% stake. The entrepreneurs stepped aside into the hallway to make a decision. Lori who got impatient with the wait, walked down the hallway to convince the entrepreneurs to accept her offer, Kevin and the remaining sharks followed Lori’s suit and were in the hallway again bidding for their investment to be accepted. Finally, the duo shook hands with Lori and Rohan for a final offer of $500K for a 20% stake. A disappointed Kevin remarked that he would have gone an extra $100k to secure the deal.
While the whole bidding war between the sharks was without a doubt extremely fun to watch, we couldn’t help but wonder what got the sharks so hooked to the pitch that they couldn’t wait to get their hands into the business. Fans too took to their social media to express their astonishment over the sharks fighting so fiercely with each other for a basic knife-sharpening pitch. A fan tweeted, “I’m not getting why the Sharks are so aggressively courting this knife sharpening by mail company. It doesn’t seem special and it’s not even making a ton of money. #SharkTank”. Another fan wrote, “I don't know understand why so many sharks are showing this much interest. But I guess I'm not the target audience for this mail in knife sharpener #SharkTank”.
Do you think the sharks made a mistake by investing in Knife Aid? Let us know. New episodes of 'Shark Tank' season 11 air at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.