'Sex Education' Season 2 Episode 2: Maeve's struggle within herself is showcased through simple moments

There are a hundred things that are racing through the minds of students at Moordale Secondary. From hiding behind sarcasm to ensuring no one knows the truth about how much their judgment pricks you to self-inflicted injury to avoid the pressure of dealing with parents' expectations, there are many things that are taking place in 'Sex Education' Season 2's Episode 2. This hodgepodge of a narrative stresses how everyone in Moordale is pulled in different directions at the same time.
At some point in life, one would have definitely felt as if they well pulled and pushed in many directions, which is how Maeve seems to be feeling at the moment. She struggles between hiding her interest in Otis and realizing one fine moment that she is definitely not over him.
There are times when you look around and all you see is space and silence and you call it 'aloneness' because terming it lonely would make you feel as if you are shut-in. So in her '10 years in the future essay' when Maeve hopes to live in a house that has enough space for a dining table with four chairs and big windows, she is trying to battle the closed-in feeling she experiences at times in her trailer.
When the spotlight falls on you, some take to it like they belong under that light and shine brighter than ever. There are some, however, who despite being worthy of that shining light cannot take the spot because of how uncomfortable it makes them feel. In an attempt to not face that rejection, we make up excuses to stay away from the spotlight.
So when Maeve is asked to read her essay aloud, instead of standing up in front of other students and reading her unambitious dream, she says that she forgot the assignment at home. She is not only worried about being rejected, but also coming up short in any way when compared to Otis' girlfriend Ola who is also in class with her.
In an attempt to not rock the boat with Otis, not only did Maeve reopen the sex clinic with him, she also continues to speak to him without any hangups. Despite having stood out since the beginning, Maeve has had this desire to experience belonging. Her dating Jackson in the past was an attempt to see if she could go through with a relationship too. Only her feelings for Otis is not the same as her mild interest in Jackson. So things are set to get messy in the upcoming episodes. While Maeve deals with her conflicts, Otis has seemingly moved on and is currently more interested in catering to his girlfriend Ola.
To add to this, there is his mother Dr Jean, the sex therapist, is now working on a report about how satisfactory sex education is at Moordale. She is requested to do so by the board, and this is not something that goes down entirely well with Otis.
First Otis had found out that his mother is dating his girlfriend Ola's father. In the second episode, he has to come to terms with her coming over to the school as an expert who would speak to students about sex.
Maeve and Otis' struggle can only get more complicated before it gets simple and the ebbs and flow of this relationship are going to be an interesting watch.