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Seth Rogen’s cannabis company Houseplant comes to US, Internet says he’s making ‘stoner fantasies come true’

Seth Rogen took to Twitter on March 1 to share the news that his cannabis company will start operations in California
Seth Rogen's Houseplant company starts operations in California (Getty Images)
Seth Rogen's Houseplant company starts operations in California (Getty Images)

On March 1, 2021, ‘Pineapple Express’ movie star Seth Rogen announced that his and Evan Goldberg’s cannabis company, Houseplant, is finally coming to California. As of March 1, the Houseplant website is down due to a heavy traffic surge. The company, which was only operational in Canada, will start selling cannabis and related products in the United States from next week onwards. Rogen also talked about the strategy his company will follow when they will start the business in California.

“Almost ten years I go, I envisioned having my own weed company. And today I can say that my company Houseplant’s weed will be available in California next week! Also, Houseplant is making lovely Housegoods like ashtrays, lighters, and YES, even ceramics,” Rogen tweeted, along with a video and some pictures of the retro-looking goods. "If you know anything about me at all, I am going to assume it's that I really love weed," Rogen said in the video tweet.


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Seth Rogen's Houseplant

Rogen told The Fast Company that his company’s strategy has always been the same, which is “to treat cannabis like the product that it is”. He went on to compare weed with headphones and added that in a world where “headphones get incredible attention to detail, in terms of how they’re designed, presented, and marketed, we think weed is a thousand times better than headphones.”


Rogen added: “Especially with products that genuinely feel new. I don’t know if many people have been manufacturing table lighters in the last six decades or so. It’s something I know I personally would want more than anything, as someone who loses more lighters than anyone I’ve ever met. We just have to hope that our tastes, and the things we want as people who smoke weed, that others agree with that.”

Apart from cannabis, Rogen’s Houseplant company will also sell other products that are required when one is using cannabis. In the video, Rogen talked about selling lighters. He said, “We have things like this block table lighter which is a table lighter with an ashtray for the lid. I lose my lighters all the f**king time but not no more because this dude is hard to lose."

A one-ounce bag of medicinal marijuana is displayed in Berkeley, California. (Getty Images)

Rogen concluded the announcement with an assurance to his fans that he is getting started. He said, "This is just the beginning. This is honestly my life's work, and I've never been more excited about anything."

Cannabis in California

The government of California has legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes since 1996 and for recreational use since late 2016. As a result of recreational legalization, local governments may not prohibit adults from growing, using, or transporting marijuana for personal use. However, all commercial activities can be regulated or prohibited by local government bodies.

Recreational marijuana shops began to sell cannabis in January 2018. As of 2019, 187 dispensaries have temporary city approval in Los Angeles. Many delivery companies continued to operate under the stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 22, Governor Gavin Newsom declared cannabis one of the enterprises to be an essential business.

A medical marijuana activist holds a sign in Oakland, California (Getty Images)

“I wish I lived in Cali”

Right after Rogen shares the news with his millions of followers on Twitter, people started responding to him in the best way possible. One wrote: "I wish I lived in Cali just so I could buy some of seth rogen’s weed." Another user wrote: "I don’t drink, do drugs/smoke weed and I never have.... but if I was to ever do any of that, I would want Seth Rogen to be my guide." A third user tweeted: "@Sethrogen is making all my stoner fantasies come true & im here for it". While another wrote: "Seth Rogen, upon losing ANOTHER lighter". Another fan of cannabis wrote: "I didn't know that weed could make me drool, but here we are. That is one tasty looking bug."






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