Selena Gomez turns dates into frogs in video for 'Boyfriend' and fans are all for it: 'Men don't deserve her'

Selena Gomez dropped the music video for ‘Boyfriend’ on Friday, April 10, and boy is it something else. In the video, Selena, who has a very ‘60s aesthetic going on for her, drives around Los Angeles at night with a bunch of frogs in her backseat. Not strange at all, right? As the video progresses, we realize that those frogs are not just ordinary frogs. They are bad dates.
In a kind of weird twist on ‘The Frog Prince’ folktale, Selena turns all bad dates into frogs. We see Selena meeting with what looks like a coven of witches in the back of a dry-cleaner's. She picks up a neon purple vial. From there on, whenever she gets bored on a date -- and by the looks of it, that’s like every date, she applies the mystery purple aerosol from the vial and the dates turn into frogs. Neat, eh?
Fits in perfectly with the song that goes like: “I want a boyfriend / But I just keep hitting dead ends / Try to take a shortcut, but I get cut again and again / I want a boyfriend / Tell me, are there any good ones left? / I keep finding wrong ones, but I want love again and again.”
And it works well with what’s on Selena’s mind.
“We wrote it long before our current crisis, but in the context of today, I want to be clear that a boyfriend is nowhere near the top of my list of priorities,” she said on Instagram earlier this year.
The song and the video directed by Matty Peacock seems to have resonated with fans of Selena a lot. But it has also led to much speculation about what she means by either. YouTube user Eyram Wanjiku wrote in the comments section of the video: “I must say, I think some people are totally misunderstanding how ‘I want a boyfriend’ & ‘she knows she’ll find love only if she wants it’ relate to one another. Wanting love and having love, in a romantic sense, do not always run together simultaneously. As we clearly see in the video, she wants love. She cannot find anything but dead ends.”
The user further said, “To me, this song is so much deeper than, knowing you’ll find love if you want it. Here we see, I want a boyfriend and not just anyone because I’m not settling. Here there is an acceptance of reality and uttering that she wants a certain kind of relationship and she hasn’t found it yet. What’s with this idea that we all get what we want one day? Some people die single having never found what they were looking for, there are few guarantees in this life.”
One Twitter user had a bizarre conspiracy theory: “It just hit me that Selena called her song boyfriend so that when people look up ‘Selena Gomez's boyfriend’ all the news that pops up is about her rather than men.”
Most seemed to be cheering Selena on though. One Twitter user wrote: “That moment Selena Gomez realized men don't deserve her so she turned them all into frogs.” More followed with comments like, “SELENA GOMEZ JUST TURNED ALL MEN INTO FROGS AND PUT THEM ALL IN A CAGE. THAT'S WHAT I CALL ICONIC.”
That Selena had won hearts with her song and video could mostly be summed up from this Tweet: “We don’t want a boyfriend, we want Selena Gomez.”