Seattle mayor blamed as man dies in front of son, 13, as medics arrive 20 min late

A 45-year-old man from Crown Hill, Seattle, tragically died from heart attack in front of his 13-year-old son, as emergency help arrived twenty minutes late. The teenage boy, whose identity has not been disclosed, had called 911 twice in a desperate bid to save his father but eventually watched him succumb to death. The undue delay was reportedly caused to a shortage of police and medical personnel in the city. Many residents are blaming the ongoing cop crisis in Seattle on the strict vaccine mandate imposed by Mayor Jenny Durkan and the 'defund the police' movement.
According to reports, the teenage boy called 911 on November 2, 2021, at 1:24 pm. Mentioning that his father was making a moaning sound, the boy said, "He's conscious but he's not okay." Within 15 minutes, firefighters arrived at the scene but they refrained from entering the premises before the police arrived.
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Officials from the Seattle Fire Department reached the scene by 1:32 pm but they mistakenly referred to an outdated file, where it was stated that the resident of the house was aggressive. Reportedly, the file belonged to the former tenants but the person had long been replaced by the teenager and his family. However, the firefighters chose not to intervene until cops were at the scene.
As firefighters were refusing to enter, the young boy called 911 once again at 1:37 pm and frantically said, "He wasn't like this before. I'm just really worried." After waiting around 7 minutes for the police, firefighters eventually decided to break protocol and enter the house at 1:39 pm. By then, it was already 15 minutes since the first 911 call was placed. Around 1:45 pm, police and paramedics finally arrived at the scene.
Even after administering CPR for over an hour, they failed to save the patient. "Had it been addressed early, his chance of survival would have been 60 percent," a medic later told KTTH. Fire Department spokesperson Kristin Tinsley told DailyMail, "We had a “cautionary” premise note entered into the system for that address due to experiences with a patient who had lived there that was known to be combative towards SFD and SPD. Unfortunately, we learned during the most recent emergency response that the cautionary note was for a previous tenant."
The incident was reported by Conservative host Jason Rantz, who directly placed the responsibility of the delay on Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. Blaming her COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Rantz said, "It had crippled already understaffed police and fire departments. They do not have enough employees to respond to emergency calls. And through no fault of Seattle police or Seattle fire, a man is dead when he might have been saved." The Seattle Police Dept have not issued any statement on the incident so far.