'SEAL Team' season 3: Fans have a theory about how Jason and Mandy's relationship will move forward

The third season of 'SEAL Team' points towards a new dynamic blooming between Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) and Amanda Ellis (Jessica Paré). Only time will tell if it comes true but fans have a strong feeling that there is romance on the cards for the two characters. In a Reddit thread, viewers came together to discuss all the possible theories for an impending relationship in the future for the pair.
"Since the beginning of the show I was convinced that the relationship between Jason and Mandy was more comparable to sibling-like than romantic... but S3E1 leaves me with the impression that the writers are considering exploring the romantic path and honestly I am unable to determine if that is a bad or a good thing. I like their current dynamic so for me both options are equally attractive (especially since Mandy expressed a desire to eventually consider starting a family of her own)," one fan wrote.

One viewer posted a major revelation from David Boreanaz's interview. "I have seen something between them right from the very first episode. I hope they will explore them together as a couple so badly but David also said in an interview he thinks Mandy and Jason have a past and we might get to explore that in the future," he wrote and another one posted, "It might actually unintentionally make the show more real. The military is the place everybody is fucking everybody, right?"
When one Reddit user expressed his surprise at why it hasn't taken place already, a fan posted, "Mandy explained why the writers didn't actually act on any of those vibes - as their Intelligence Officer, she forcefully kept herself at an emotional distance because she basically put them "in front of the barrel" with each target/intelligence she confirmed (the same doubt subplot Lisa is currently experiencing). It would be interesting to see if they go forward with the vibes now that she doesn't always work with them but in the field as well."

The fan said that he is glad that the makers chose to keep it like that as it makes Mandy and Jason "more realistic". "Many of the other shows don't even care about the concept of personal vs. professional relationships with coworkers and they have cast members secretly hooking up with ranking officers/fellow team members solely for the romance and drama aspect it brings," his comment read.
The showrunners already teased more relationships this season and Boreanaz himself agreed how the series might show more personal dynamics this time around. With all the hints, it seems likely that Jason and Mandy would soon be a couple on the CBS show. Don't you think so?