Kincheloe Elementary slammed for rainbow-themed musical, parents call it Gay Pride

Days before an elementary school in Dowagiac, Michigan, was set to host a rainbow-themed holiday musical that included a Santa Claus and rainbow-colored reindeer, several parents objected to it and accused the occasion of being a Gay Pride celebration. In response to that, Kincheloe Elementary School responded by issuing a statement on Facebook.
Mentioning about the winter program, called ‘A Rainbow Christmas’, the statement written by principal Cathy J Stone on December 3 read, “some families have expressed concerns because of the ‘rainbow’ mentioned in the title. It is just a rainbow of color. It has no connotations for homosexuality, or gay pride. We’ve also heard comments that a gay pride flag will be flown. That is untrue. For visual effects students will be waving multicolored dancing ribbons.”
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The statement also added that the winter program is a popular one that has been held by many schools across the country. The program reportedly tells a story of a “Black and White Forest” where animals only accept things that are black and white. They even decorate their Christmas tree black and white. But when colorful Santa Claus and his rainbow-colored reindeer entered the forest and explained to the residents that the world is full of color, and “that they should be tolerant and accepting and share their world with others whose colors are different than theirs,” they accept their fault.
“The black and white creatures realize that their visitors are right and change the name of the forest to The Rainbow Forest and invite creatures of all colors to join them in their celebration,” the statement noting the synopsis added.
The letter went on to address parents’ concern that there are no Christmas songs in the program by mentioning titles, like ‘Christmas is a Rainbow’ and ‘Sing of Christmas time!’ It added: “This is an educational program in which students have learned music and narration. They’ve worked hard and just want to share it with their families.”
MaryJo Schnell, executive director of OutCenter of Southwest Michigan, which provides resources to LGBTQ teens across the region, praised the principal's statement and said: “There are always going to be some parents who don’t like a program or something in the school curriculum. However, that does not give them unilateral veto power regarding the school’s decisions on musicals, curriculum, et al. I will add, however, that we do support the display of rainbow flags that can signal to LGBTQ+ at-risk students that the school is a safe place for them. Acceptance and affirmation save lives.”
DUS Superintendent Jonathan Whan also responded to the letter and said, “[Stone’s] thought was – and I agree with it – that we should get some information out. What we didn’t want to happen is it spiral, and then a bunch of people decided not to have their kids participate. We didn’t want to have the chance of it being ruined for anyone.” And eventually, after the clarification, the program happened at the Dowagiac Performing Arts Center and was reportedly enjoyed by all who were present there.