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'Save My Skin': Rachael compares her skin to woodchip wallpaper, says she just wants to feel confident again

Once she arrives, Dr Craythorne analyzes her skin and informs her that they will continue to grow in size
UPDATED MAR 19, 2020
Rachael (TLC)
Rachael (TLC)

Rachael has always been conscious about the way she looks because her skin condition makes it hard for people to not notice her.

Rachael suffers from a condition called neurofibromatosis, a condition in which tumors form in her body. Due to this condition, she also has bumps and lumps on her body that are benign in nature. 

However, they are a lot in number which makes her conscious about the way she looks. Rachael recalls that she first started noticing these lumps when she was 14. Since then, she has seen them grow in size. Rachael confesses that there are times when she feels pain because of the lumps along with some itching. 

To make things worse, Rachael notices how people tend to run away from her because of the condition.  She has experienced people at the resultant refusing to come near her or are afraid to touch her.

After experiencing these situations for many years, Rachael decides to meet Dr Emma Craythorne hoping that something can be done to fix her. Rachael confesses that she does not like herself when she looks in the mirror and compares her skin to a woodchip wallpaper.
Once she arrives, Dr Craythorne analyzes her skin and informs her that they will continue to grow in size. However, she also tells Rachael that there is no real cure for her condition and the only thing she could try is laser.

Rachael shares that she has done a laser surgery earlier but that did not go the way she had expected as she felt a lot of pain. 

Dr Craythorne tells her that there is another laser procedure that she could opt for and it will make her feel less pain. Rachael agrees as she is desperate to feel confident again. She explains that she is particularly conscious about the lumps that exist on her face and wants them removed. 

Dr Craythorne takes note of that and decides to work on the lumps that are extremely big in size. She wanted to get them out and then focus on the ones that were small.

Once she identifies these, she starts removing them with the help of a laser. Dr Craythorne also tells Rachael that since the lumps were more in number, they will have to do the surgery on multiple occasions.

Despite this, Rachael seems optimistic and is looking forward to a change in her life once she gets done with the surgery. 

'Save My Skin' airs on Thursdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.