'Saturday Night Live': Eddie Murphy reprises his role as Mister Robinson and fans can't get enough of it
Eddie Murphy returned to the stage of 'Saturday Night Live' after more than 30 years and he did not forget to reprise his famous role as Mister Robinson. Bringing the old sketch of 'Mister Robinson's Neighborhood' back into the picture, this time, Murphy spoke about gentrification.
Murphy started the skit with an updated version of 'Won't You Be My Neighbor' and quickly jumped into explaining 'Squatter's Rights'. Without beating around the bush he tried to explain the term in simple terms as he stated that this right meant that "finder's keepers, but for other people's houses."
However, he was interrupted by a couple that was being played by Heidi Gardner and Mickey Day. The couple enquired Robinson if he had any idea about their TV that was scheduled to be delivered during the day. Robinson smiles and looks at the camera and says, "Don't worry boys and girls, Mister Robinson knows just what to say in situations like this."
He then turned towards the couple and said, "Oh, you think I stole your TV because I'm black!" The couple was left in shock and insisted that they did not mean that. However, Robinson shuts the door before they could explain further.
"It always works, boys and girls," Mister Robinson winks while speaking to the camera. After shutting the door Robinson says that there is a special name for people like them. He screams "racist" as he switched on the big television.
Fans were impressed with how Murphy was able to impress them with the skit years after it first aired. Many took to social media to express their joy over seeing the skit again. "Eddie Murphy seems way more into this than he did SNL40 I mean Mister Robinson vs. Gentrification is the perfect way to bring an old sketch into the modern world, well done," read one comment.
Another wrote, "Mr. Robinson, Buttwheat and Gumby. What an awesome @nbcsnl show tonight. Eddie Murphy brought back many wonderful and funny memories. Well done!"