CRIMINAL HISTORY? Salvador Ramos's parents and grandmother have extensive criminal records

The Uvalde school shooter, Salvador Ramos, continues to stay in the headlines. In a recent revelation, it was learned that his parents and grandma had extensive criminal records. This included aggravated assault with a lethal weapon and trying to pass a fake check, according to The New York Post. Ramos hit the news after a shocking event where he ruthlessly killed 19 children and 2 teachers after a shootout in an elementary school. The incident took place on May 24, 2022, at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. According to Uvalde County Court Records, Salvador's parents, Adriana Martinez and Salvador Ramos Sr., and his grandmother Celia "Sally" Martinez Gonzales, had their own run-ins with the law way before their son went on a rampage.
His mother, Adriana Martinez, was charged with writing a bad check to a general store on June 30, 2003, the same time around when Salvador was born. The amount was $22.62 and it was revealed that she was struggling financially. Salvador's mother made $500 per month from her job at the Golden Dragon restaurant in Uvalde and received $223 in public assistance, and $269 in food stamps. The records also explained that she lived in an apartment which housed six people and was single back then, implying that she had broken up with Salvador Ramos Sr. She pleaded guilty to the crime on September 7, 2005, and was charged with a fine of $250, $218 in court costs, and 180 days in jail. Because she had pleaded guilty, she was placed on probation with 25 hours of community service.
Salvador Ramos jumped out of hiding place in closet to shoot officers before his death
However, her run-in with the law did not end just there. Merely two years later, Martinez was filed with an assault charge for harming a family member. The charge was later dismissed on September 26, 2007, and she had to enroll in Anger Management Counselling, after paying a fine of $1,928 and other court fees. Salvador shot his grandma, Celia, in the face before going through with the school shooting. The records also revealed that she was charged with a misdemeanor in 1993. The misdemeanor was unspecified and she was arrested on June 9. Gonzales was convicted and sentenced to two years of probation, maximum. While the act remains a mystery, she had to pay a fine of $500 and court fees of $157.
Like father like son: Salvador Ramos Sr's criminal records
To anyone, it would seem that Salvador came from a family of misfits. His father, Salvador Ramos Sr's run-in with the law started in 2000. He was charged with resisting arrest as he struggled with officer Daniel Rodriguez and made a run for it. Ramos Sr pleaded no contest when sentenced to 180 days in jail and had to apologize in writing to Uvalde PD. Fast forward 11 years, he was slapped with a felony charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on April 9, 2011, due to an incident. It was later revealed in an indictment that he assaulted a man named Enrique Jesus Perez with a beer bottle. He was instructed to stay away from the victim and had to submit to drug and alcohol testing. Ramos Sr pleaded no contest to the charge which was later dropped down to a class A misdemeanor. He was sent to jail for 30 days and the judge agreed that he could do his time on weekends.
Addressing the school shooting on a Spanish-language station Televisa, Salvador's mother Martinez commented, "I have no words to say, I don’t know what he was thinking. I only want the innocent children who died to forgive me. Forgive me, forgive my son. I know he had his reasons.” The 42-year-old father also commented on the incident during his interview with the Daily Beast, "sorry [for] what my son did. I never expected my son to do something like that. He should’ve just killed me, you know, instead of doing something like that to someone."