Ryan Reynolds turns real-life superhero for 12-year-old boy who underwent brain surgery

Beneath all Ryan Reynold's cheekiness and flippancy lies a caring heart. His kindness shone through when a man tweeted that his nephew had just undergone brain surgery and the child would like to receive a 'get well soon' message from actors who had portrayed superheroes in films.
The user had tweeted, "Just wanted to share a request. @Marvel @DCComics #Superheroes My 12 year old nephew is a huge fan. He just had emergency brain surgery on Thurs and I know he’d be ecstatic if a hero out there could send a get well. I just want to do something for him. (sic)"
Reynolds replied, "I'm on it, what's his name?"
Overjoyed, the user replied, "His name is Anthony. He will absolutely lose his mind! Thank you so much!!!"
Reynolds joined the long list of real-life superheroes who have reached out to people in need, in similar ways. In 2018, Robert Downey Jr spent the weekend with Aaron Hunter, who suffers from a syndrome called ROHHAD, which causes children to gain weight and develop difficulties breathing, among other complications.
In the same year, Shannon Bream tweeted out a plea for a young boy who simply wanted to receive a greeting from an Avenger as a dying wish. The Marvel community instantly responded.
'Spider-Man' actor Tom Holland is known to bring light and joy to sick children. He surprised kids at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles when he showed up in full Spidey gear to meet and greet fans and spend time with patients. Back in 2016, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston visited a children's hospital in Brisbane, Australia, bringing toys for the children. They hung out with the children, putting a smile on everyone's face.
Back in 2012, Christian Bale brought much joy to a 4-year-old patient when he flew him and his mother to Disneyland for a day. The child had been suffering from bone cancer for over two years and had undergone chemotherapy.