Russian TINDER TACTICS revealed: Soldiers bombard Ukrainian women with flirty DMs

As Putin declared war on Ukraine with massive explosions rocking the country, Russian soldiers deployed to the border cities are on the lookout for something else. Ukrainian women in the city of Kharkiv, have been bombarded with a slew of flirty messages from Russian soldiers looking for "love". In fact, the Red Army Commanders are sharing their locations and photos in uniforms to woo the "enemy".
Women in Kharkiv spotted dozens of Russian soldiers on their Tinder around the same time Putin ordered an influx of troops into the country. Kharkiv is located barely 20 miles from where Putin's invasion force is stationed. The news spread across Ukraine soon as women started updating their location setting to Kharkiv to verify the truth.
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In an interview with The Sun, Ukrainian video producer Dasha Synelnikova shared, "I actually live in Kyiv but changed my location settings to Kharkiv after a friend told me there were Russian troops all over Tinder.
And I couldn’t believe my eyes when they popped up trying to look tough and cool."
She further mentioned, “One muscular guy posed up trying to look sexy in bed posing with his pistol. Another was in full Russian combat gear and others just showed off in tight stripy vests."
Like Dasha, most Ukrainian women are unwilling to swipe right and hook up with the enemy. "'I didn’t find any of them attractive and would never consider sleeping with the enemy. I automatically swiped left to reject them.." Dasha noted.
However, she got curious about the sudden influx of Russian troops on Ukrainian Tinder and started chatting with one of the enemy soldiers. Named Andrei, the 31-year-old Russian army official posed with a Kalashnikov rifle and combat gear. When Dasha asked him if they had any plans to "visit" Ukraine, he responded, “I would come with pleasure but Russian guys have not been welcome in Ukraine since 2014 [when pro Russian forces seized Donbas and annexed Crimea]."
He further added, "I was born in Belgorod and was an engineer before 2014 and visited Kharkiv quite a lot and loved it there so much I wanted to buy a flat. I love travel to Asia, particularly Thailand. But now it’s a difficult time. I wanted to travel to Europe but getting a visa is difficult because no one likes Russia right now.” However, Andrei stopped short of revealing whether he was a part of Putin's Ukraine invasion force at present.
"These guys are just the same as anyone else on Tinder — they want love or companionship. So it’s kind of hard to imagine that they could be coming here to attack us. I hope it won’t happen,” Dasha shared with empathy.
Meanwhile, Russian units have been ordered to turn off their mobile phones as army troops are gearing up for invading the country. Massive explosions were heard in cities like Kyiv, Kramatorsk, and Odessa. Troops are infiltrating the country from neighboring Belarus.