Man chops off wife's hands with an ax because he thought she was cheating on him

An abusive Russian husband is facing up to ten years in jail after he chopped off his wife's hands with an ax and was declared mentally competent enough to stand trial.
27-year-old Dmitry Grachyov told a court about his fears that his wife Margarita was cheating on him and that he was seeking revenge. Grachyov has been stripped off of his parental rights, meaning he will never be able to see his two children again or play any part in their upbringing. The announcement led Margarita to express her relief in court.
The brutal husband dragged the 26-year-old mother-of-two into his car and drove her to a forest in December last year. He then proceeded to tie her up, forced her to kneel, and then chopped off her wrists with an ax, Daily Mail reports.