'RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars': India alleges Alexis Mateo is playing dirty, fans are torn about who to trust

The latest episode of 'RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars' proved that the drag queens can serve a lot more than just looks and sass. After mamma, RuPaul decided to throw a curveball at the queens by declaring that only the winner of the snatch segment would be safe and the remaining queens would all be thrown into the elimination rounds, the cheerful and competitive atmosphere soon turned tense.
Shea Coulee had won the snatch game, so this meant that only she was safe from the elimination. Aside from presenting Shea a gift of 7-day luxury getaway for winning the snatch competition, RuPaul also gave her the power of deciding which queen would be getting the boot. All the queens begin feeling anxious and worried wondering who Shea might pick. Shea asked all the contestants about why they thought they should stay in the competition and heard them all out.
But India Ferrah wasn't happy with having the discussion in a group setting and wanted a one-on-one talk with Shea to try swaying the reigning queen's decision in her favor. So, India pulled Shea aside and told her that she was carrying a big secret. India then revealed that a few weeks earlier, when Shea, Mariah Paris Balenciaga were in the bottom, Alexis Mateo and Mayhem reportedly came to her and asked her to vote for Shea's elimination. When Shea heard this she was taken by surprise, but instead of just believing India, Shea decided to clear the air.
So she asks Alexis if that was true in front of the other queens. Alexis denies all the allegations and declared that she had never rallied for anybody to be voted out and would never do that. The other queens too joined in and backed Alexis by saying that she had never told them to vote off Shea. Shea was left feeling puzzled over who was playing the dirty game. But when it was finally time for revealing which queen would be sent home packing, Shea picks India. Although India once again reaffirmed to Shea that she wasn't lying about Alexis in her parting words, fans were torn between believing India and Alexis.
Several fans took to their Twitter to point out why they thought India was telling the truth, while others pointed out how Alexis couldn't have done any such thing. A supporter of India wrote, "India is standing ten toes down on Alexis campaigning to get Shea out so yep...I believe her. Plus Alexis seems a bit off to me this season, off as in a little shady. #AllStars5" Another fan commented, "I believe India because during the episode when Shea was in the bottom both Alexis and Mayhem during their interviews implied sending Shea home because she was top competition #AllStars5 #DragRace." "
Several fans also pointed out how India could have been lying to Shea to save her spot in the drag race. A fan expressed, "India decides to tell Shea this “info” about Alexis when she’s in the bottom rather than when it was first “said”. Some friend Who is supposed to believe you? #AllStars5." Another fan pointed, "I honestly think India is damn liar. I truly believe Alexis would be that bitch who would own up to her shit and say "Yes, b*tch, I DID that" if she had campaigned against Shea. #AllStars5.
"I'm going to believe Alexis unless they show me film of what India is claiming because they film EVERYTHING #AllStars5," declared another fan. "Gurllllllllll I’m literally eating popcorn this shit is crazy, anyways I think India lying. Her story not adding up but then again Alexis is very shady we’ve seen it in in a couple cases the past few weeks. Idk man #AllStars5," tweeted a confused fan.
Who do you think is telling the truth, India Ferrah or Alexis Mateo? Let us know.
'RuPaul's Drag Race" All Stars' season 5, airs every Friday at 8/7 c only on VH1.