Roundabout of Death: Viral playground 'stunt' leaves 11-yr-old with severe brain damage and on the verge of a stroke

A dangerous new challenge on the Internet called the "roundabout of death" has left one 11-year-old boy in Britain with shocking injuries that are consistent to those that are normally only seen in fighter pilots or astronauts. He had been urged to recreate the YouTube stunt by some older children were at the park at that time and was found unconscious near the roundabout later on. He has been left with possible damage to his brain as well as his vision. The child had been coerced into sitting in the middle of a roundabout by the older children and was spun around at high speed using the rear wheel of a motorcycle.
LADBible reported that it is believed that the boy suffered from serious injuries because of the extreme levels of G-force (gravitational force) that is normally something only pilots and astronauts experience. It is also believed that the G-force is responsible for forcing fluid and blood into Tyler Broome's brain which resulted in damaging his vision and also giving him eyes that bulged.