Roseanne: People are still heartbroken over what happened between David and Darlene

One of the most appealing things about Roseanne's revival has been reuniting with characters fans haven't caught up with in a while. So obviously, when the show teased a new David v. Darlene episode for April 17, fans were excited to find out what happened to the popular couple.
For a lot of fans of the series, their favorite Roseanne couple has been the sarcastic Darlene and sweet, sensitive, easily influenced David. But in the April 17 episode, the two ultimately agree they’re not meant to be a couple.
There's that one part of the episode where it is clear that the couple has unresolved issues, which they both need to work on if they want to take their relationship forward. This is when Darlene calls David “cute,” when he decides to leave the room through the window.
“Cute?” he objects. “Why do you always have to belittle me like that? I’m a grown man.” “God, don’t be so sensitive,” Darlene says.
David: “Don’t tell me what not to be.”
“Fine, then do be less sensitive,” Darlene says, getting the last word, showing how the two still have a lot of issues to sort out between of the show are extremely heartbroken and disappointed over how Darlene and David ended things between them, and they have all expressed their distress on social media.