Rose McGowan is dating non-binary gender model Rain Dove

Rose McGowan is ready to move on and start a healthy relationship as the actress was spotted enjoying her day out with Rain Dove. The non-binary gender model, who prefers the pronoun 'they', was spotted enjoying a PDA filled day with Rose in New York City on Sunday (July 29). Rain, who is famous for modeling both men's and women's clothes seemed to really enjoy the company of Rose as the two walked hand in hand around Central Park.
Born female but taunted over their masculine looks, Rain soon realized the difference in the way a female and a male is treated. As reported by Dail Mail, Rain even worked as a firefighter under a male pseudonym for a year.
Rain never really thought of getting into modeling until they lost the bet and as a price to pay for the loss, they had to agree to go to a Calvin Klein lingerie casting call.
Rain eventually was told to come back the following day to the male casting and was hired. "I think all people are androgynous," Rain said in an interview with Buzzfeed. "It's just that we've created these genders." Rain further added, "I think that 'androgynous' applies to someone who doesn't appear physically to be gender specific — you won't be able to figure out what's in their pants."
Rain has also been a strong advocate of their thoughts on social media. Various posts made by they show the message they want to convey to the people. For instance, Rain posted a side by side picture wearing a figure-hugging dress as they compared how a dress does not define who a person is.
"My strength does not come from my clothing. No matter what I wear whether my choice or not- I guarantee I will still be me. Because I'll be damned if I let something as simple as Cloth be my shackles. We are stronger than fabric. More purposeful than politics. And here for a reason so much more magnificent than making our appearances f**kable. There's more reason to life than potential orgasms, genitalia and lust. I know that may sound crazy but- its true," read the post caption.
Rose has also expressed her emotions of breaking free from the construct of gender. Talking on the Love Alexi podcast, Rose explained how she does not want to live in a "construct". “I think we’re never going to solve anything by going into the man/woman construct. Step back to humanity,” she said, adding that she does not want to be “labeled as a woman when I don’t even know what that means”.
She further added that she did want to be identified by a gender. "I don’t wanna be a man or a woman. That’s the thing, I’m not," she noted.
Rose has always been vocal about her thoughts irrespective of what others thought. She spoke at length against Hollywood's sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein.