'Rose Garden' trends as social media slams Trump for threatening military action to quell George Floyd protests
President Donald Trump spoke in the White House Rose Garden, calling for an end to “violence and destruction,” by saying that he will deploy the US military if state governors do not reign in protests.
"Rose Garden" soon became a trending topic on Twitter. It was noted that Trump did not talk about police violence in his speech or address the issue of class separation among the American people. He only declared to use the army as a force to quell the protests that have arisen in the wake of George Floyd's death.
PBS White House correspondent, Yamiche Alcindor, tweeted a video of protesters being tear-gassed, saying: "Here is what was happening outside the White House as President Trump was giving his Rose Garden address and saying he is an “ally of all peaceful protestors.” Peaceful protestors being tear gassed outside of the WH gates. I confirmed because I was teargassed along with them."
The Palmer Report's Twitter handle stated: "Donald Trump just declared war against America. So be it. Trump will lose. In the end, America always wins. When this is over, Trump will spend the rest of his worthless life in a solitary confinement cage."
Several celebrities also commented on Trump's speech minutes after it ended. IssaRae, creator of the HBO show 'Insecure' tweeted: "Your raggedy white supremacist president and his cowardly enablers would rather kill everybody than stop killing black people." Singer Halsey remarked: "Trump mobilizing armed forces against our own citizens and then carefully mentioning “2nd amendment rights” which he knows will encourage civilians to turn arms on one another other. Lacking any integrity or empathy. This is out of control."
Wendell Pierce astutely pointed out that Trump was using an antiquated law last used to quell slave protests by slaves. "The 1806 Inssurrection Act was created to use the military to suppress any insurrection of slaves. How appropriate this President would create an incendiary moment to incite violence. Once step closer to violent civil unrest, as he flames racial violence," he tweeted.
Ordinary twitter users were aghast at the turn of events, just like Pierce. One user said, "Did we just get Martial Lawed??! So, he just Declared War on The Public??!! It’s not 1807 this is not Rebellion!!, but I think it’s about get all kinds of f**ked up here!!", while another proclaimed: "By attacking the peaceful protesters just before your Rose Garden Speech, you have declared WAR on the American public #TrumpIsACoward" Another user tagged Senator Collins saying, "Hey @SenatorCollins not sure if you caught Trump’s Rose Garden speech, but I don’t think he’s learned his lesson."
Quite a few people picked up on the 'Hunger Games' symbolism of Trump giving this speech in the White House's Rose Garden, comparing him to President Snow. One user said: "This Rose Garden address is giving me serious President Snow vibes #BunkerTrump", while another tweeted ominously: "Y’all remember when President Snow died after the rose garden scene in the Hunger Games?"
Going by the immediate online reaction to Trump's speech, the country will see some terrible days ahead if the military is deployed against civilians.