Rob Reiner says Trump will lose in a landslide because 'Americans will literally be voting for their lives'

On Sunday, director Rob Reiner became the latest Hollywood celebrity to join in the growing criticism directed at President Donald Trump, blaming him for the botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic that has led the United States to have the highest number of cases and fatalities in the world.
The 'Misery' director said that the health crisis paved the way for Trump's defeat in the upcoming election in November as most of the people in the country will choose to vote against a leader who does not understand the value of his citizens' lives. “Trump will lose in a landslide because Americans will literally be voting for their lives,” Reiner tweeted on Sunday, April 18. He did not stop there.
In few other tweets, he posted, "As we stay at home and learn of our fellow citizens dying, every medical expert tells US the same thing. To begin returning to normalcy we need massive testing. That the richest country on the planet is incapable of providing those tests means only one thing: We have no leader. It’s very simple. Donald Trump’s mental illness is causing US citizens to die."
Reiner has frequently voiced his displeasure at Trump's leadership and most recently he attacked the way the POTUS has been conducting his daily press conferences, which are supposed to update the people on the latest status of the virus outbreak in the country.
"Today’s daily propaganda bullshit was not only a pathetic display by a frightened mentally ill child, it was also illegal. The law specifically states that the WH can not be used for partisan campaign purposes. Another day, another law broken," he wrote on April 14, tweeting the very next day, "There are no words to describe the sickness and ignorance on display in the Rose Garden today. Suffice it to say calling The President of the United States a f**king moron is being kind."

At the same time, he has retweeted a number of tweets from Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden. In one of the tweets, the former Vice President said, "Donald Trump left our country unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime — and now we're paying the price."
In another, Biden appeared to mock the fact that Trump claimed to have "total authority" over the people and the country while he was the president. "I am not running for office to be King of America. I respect the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to it many times. I respect the great job so many of this country’s governors — Democratic and Republican — are doing under these horrific circumstances," he said.
Biden's Presidential campaign received a huge boost with his former boss's endorsement via a Twitter video earlier this month.
"If there's one thing we've learned as a country from moments of great crisis, it's that the spirit of looking out for one another can't be restricted to our homes, or our workplaces, or our neighborhoods, or our houses of worship," ex-President Barack Obama said in the video. "It also has to be reflected in our national government."
He added: "The kind of leadership that's guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace -- that kind of leadership doesn't just belong in our state capitols and mayors offices. It belongs in the White House. And that's why I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States."