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'Ripley' Episode 8 Takeaway: Marge Sherwood puts together theory behind Dickie Greenleaf's disappearance

Marge Sherwood's meeting with Tom Ripley in Venice brings her a closure about Dickie Greenleaf's disappearance in Netflix's 'Ripley'
Marge Sherwood pursues Tom Ripley to know what happened to her boyfriend in climax episode of 'Ripley' (@netflix)
Marge Sherwood pursues Tom Ripley to know what happened to her boyfriend in climax episode of 'Ripley' (@netflix)

Contains heavy spoilers for 'Ripley'

ROME, ITALY: In Netflix's newest psychological thriller series 'Ripley', the cops, Dickie Greenleaf's girlfriend and other loved ones, spend considerable time tracking him down, while he has been long dead.

Tom Ripley (Andrew Scott), disguises as Dickie and misguides the investigation to get away with the murder.

As the series progresses, he narrowly escapes getting caught and in the finale episode, he finally ditches Dickie Greenleaf's (Johnny Flynn) identity and resumes his own.

Since his loved ones haven't received any closure about what happened to Dickie, they establish contact with Ripley to get a better understanding.

What does Marge Sherwood find in Tom Ripley's belongings in Netflix's 'Ripley'?

Andrew Scott as Tom Ripley in a still from 'Ripley' (@netflix)
Andrew Scott as Tom Ripley in a still from 'Ripley' (@netflix)

Marge Sherwood (Dakota Fanning) visits Ripley at his new abode in Venice and is blown away by his luxurious lifestyle. Suspicious as always, she wonders how he manages to afford the luxuries.

Ripley mentions that his late aunt, who raised him, bequeathed her wealth to him.

Despite her hatred for Ripley, she chooses to stay at his residence for a couple of days.

While staying there, she accidentally discovers Dickie's ring in a small case in Ripley's room. This deepens her suspicions.

What happened to Dickie Greenleaf according to Marge Sherwood in 'Ripley'?

Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood in a still from 'Ripley' (@netflix)
Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood in a still from 'Ripley' (@netflix)

Marge confronts Ripley about why he has Dickie's ring. He, being as cunning as always, says that Dickie gave it to him to keep it safe before his voyage.

To our surprise, Marge immediately trusts Ripley and assumes that Dickie gave him the ring probably because he didn't plan on coming back ever.

Marge believes the floating theory that Dickie was depressed after the murder investigation, his inability to pursue love, and his failures that he decided to take his own life.

Her belief in Ripley's statements and the theory spares her with her life, as Ripley stops himself from killing her.

Marge never discovers the truth about what actually happened to Dickie as the series concludes in Episode 8.

'Ripley' is now available to stream on Netflix