Reporter shoots video of Biden's inauguration security arrangements, Internet says 'charge him for sedition'

Just days after New Jersey Rep Mike Sherrill claimed that she witnessed lawmakers doing "reconnaissance" tours just a day before the Capitol riots, a right-wing media outlet was slammed for showing viewers the details of all security measures that have been taken to ensure that President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration will be a smooth and uneventful one.
A series of videos were posted by Right Side Broadcasting that showed the specific roads blocked off in Washington, DC, and what security is at precise areas in the city. Photos of fences and trucks blocking roads in and around the venue of the event have been posted by multiple news outlets anyway, giving people a pretty good idea of the increased security measures.
However, Right Side Broadcasting reporter Brian Glenn felt the need to walk through the streets, pointing out specific roads, corners, and directions in multiple videos. "We're going to take you on a journey around the city here of what exactly is going on here, as is very much a different scene here in Washington, D.C.," says Glenn in the video.
"Right Side Broadcasting News, a Trump supporting independent network with 1.39m YouTube subscribers, filmed an interesting livestream segment this evening doing a walkthrough of DC security measures for their audience. Over 254k people have watched the 36-minute video as of this tweet, in which Right Side Broadcasting Network anchor Brian Glenn shows his audience in detail where security checkpoints are, what they look like, and how to maneuver around locked down Washington DC," a journalist for The Intercept captioned the video of Glenn's pre-inaugural coverage. Legal analyst Marcy Wheeler characterized it as "Pro Trump media doing reconnaissance of the Inauguration security" on Twitter.
Over 254k people have watched the 36 minute video as of this tweet, in which Right Side Broadcasting Network anchor Brian Glenn shows his audience in detail where security checkpoints are, what they look like, and how to maneuver around locked down Washington DC.
— Eoin Higgins (@EoinHiggins_) January 17, 2021
Pro Trump media doing reconnaissance of the Inauguration security.
— Dr. emptywheel (@emptywheel) January 17, 2021
What: Were the QAnon Congressladies unavailable?
While a number of users tagged the FBI and the Secret Service in the comments section of the video to make them take note of Right Side Broadcasting's reporting, others condemned the reporter for revealing such potentially dangerous information to the public. "I hope thus man has been arrested and charged w sedition," one of them said, while another wrote, "I’m sure the @FBI would love to know about that." A third commented, "Well, good. this gives LEO a free evaluation of their weak spots."
One more said, "@FBI @DHSgov @SecretService @CapitolPolice okay then I guess the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the Secret Service and the Capitol Police might like to speak to Brian Glenn of Right Side Broadcasting Network." Another noted, "News media should not be permitted to show the lay-out. Very dangerous." A commenter tweeted, "So...putting a target on police and military. The law and order party, right."
well, good. this gives LEO a free evaluation of their weak spots.
— T in the mountains (@editblue) January 17, 2021
@FBI @DHSgov @SecretService @CapitolPolice okay then I guess the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the Secret Service and the Capitol Police might like to speak to Brian Glenn of Right Side Broadcasting Network.
— Lori (@Lori47927596) January 18, 2021
News media should not be permitted to show the lay-out. Very dangerous.
— ScubaSuzyQ (@susanmcgraw88) January 17, 2021
So...putting a target on police and military. The law and order party, right.
— Wendy L. Temple (@temple_winds) January 17, 2021
Meanwhile, a Department of Homeland Security intel report says, "We assess that Washington, DC faces a heightened potential for violence the lead up to and on Inauguration Day, based on observable indicators we have monitored since the 2020 presidential election."
new Dept of Homeland Security intel report leaked to me: "We assess that Washington, DC faces a heightened potential for violence the lead up to and on Inauguration Day, based on observable indicators we have monitored since the 2020 presidential election."
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) January 16, 2021
We reported earlier that in a Facebook Live video last week billed as an address to her constituents about the House's efforts to hold President Donald Trump accountable for inciting the riot, Mikie Sherrill recollected what she saw on January 6. She started off with the House's vote to certify Biden's win. Sherrill described Speaker Nancy Pelosi being evacuated from the House chambers even as pandemonium broke. She added she was concerned for her safety and that of her colleagues who were being moved to a secure location. "I was told later that members of that mob had zip ties, were wearing body armor, and were looking to take prisoners...members of Congress," the 48-year-old added.
"I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him — those members of Congress who had groups coming through the capitol that I saw on January 5 for reconnaissance for the next day — those members of Congress who incited the violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy, I'm going see that they're held accountable," Sherrill said.