‘Completely untethered from reality’: Ricky Martin’s lawyer slams new sexual assault complaint against singer

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: Legal troubles for Ricky Martin doesn't seem to end as the singer faces a second sexual assault complaint. Martin, 50, recently sued his nephew Dennis Yadiel Sánchez Martin over false allegations of sexual abuse.
The latest case was filed Friday, September 9, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, according to the Associated Press and although the identity of the individual who submitted the charges was not revealed, the agency claimed that it was Martin's nephew who filed the complaint. The singer's lawyer José Andréu-Fuentes has once again denied the charges. “These claims are wildly offensive and completely untethered from reality. When this man previously made similar allegations, his legal case had to be withdrawn – not least because he himself admitted under oath that Ricky Martin had never assaulted him in any way," Deadline quoted Andréu-Fuentes as saying.
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The laywer continued, “Now, after being sued for trying to extort Mr. Martin, he is attempting to spread his lies again. It is beyond time that the media stops giving this deeply troubled individual the oxygen of publicity and allows him to get the help he so clearly needs.”
Martin had previously been accused of domestic violence by his nephew, and a restraining order had been issued but was subsequently overturned. Martin has filed a $20 million lawsuit against his nephew for attempting to "assassinate" his character. “The reckless, malicious and culpable actions by Defendant Sanchez were motivated by the desire to expose Plaintiff to hatred and disdain from his fanbase, to threaten his business opportunities and to destroy his reputation,” read a part of the filing drafted by Martin's representative.
In the lawsuit, Martin sued his 21-year-old nephew for sharing confidential information such as his mobile number and Instagram posts which have subsequently led to losing deals worth $20 million. The incestuous claims put forth by Dennis were quickly dismissed by Martin and his representatives who claim that the counterpart is solely doing it for the publicity. But now, Martin and his associates have a new sexual assault charge to deal with. With the latest statement from Andréu-Fuentes, it is evident that Martin has already dismissed the newfound allegations that are hurting his business deals.