Was Kary Brittingham 'bullying' fellow 'Real Housewives of Dallas' star D'Andra Simmons?

The word "bully" can be triggering for many people, Kary Brittingham is no exception. So, when her fellow 'Real Housewives of Dallas' star and her former friend, D'Andra Simmons accused her of being a "bully", the situation escalated pretty quickly.
Although D'Andra and Kary were inseparably close the previous season, things haven't been the same between the friends on the latest season. The duo was reportedly traveling around the country together to showcase their products in various trunk shows. It looks like spending so much time together did more damage to their friendship than good. Kary began being resentful towards D'Andra for being very messy and selfish. While D'Andra felt that her former friend was being very cold and aloof towards her. But when Kary began throwing shade at her and making snide remarks, D'Andra wasn't pleased.

The tension between both the ladies continued to build up, as they both lashed out at each other on several occasions. But, on the latest episode of 'RHOD', when Kary doled out a heartfelt apology to Tiffany Moon, D'Andra was annoyed. The housewife felt that she too deserved to get an apology from Kary and was disappointed over how her former friend seemed to be overlooking their issues and focussing on others.
So, when D'Andra thought she was alone with Tiffany, she began venting her heart out about her feelings towards Kary. But the housewife had no idea that Kary and Kameron Westcott was eavesdropping on the conversation. When Kary heard all the things D'Andra was talking about her behind her back, the housewife was extremely upset and hurt. Later that evening, during dinner, Kary made a toast, wherein she called out D'Andra for talking behind her back.

D'Andra was annoyed over how Kary was singling her out and asking her to leave. But before leaving, D'Andra called out Kary for being a bully. Kameron came to Kary's rescue and demanded that D'Andra not throw around the world bully lightly, as it was a very heavy word. Kary then openly asked all the ladies at the table if they ever saw her bullying D'Andra. Stephanie Hollman pointed out that she saw both of them saying hurtful things to each other and shouting at each other, but never saw anything that could be categorized as bullying behavior.
Later, when Tiffany tried to get Kary to talk to D'Andra and smoothen things over, it backfired. Kary began yelling at Tiffany saying that she was never going to talk to D'Andra or apologize to her. In her confessional, the new housewife pointed out how despite Kary's claims of her not being a bully, her behavior didn't match up to her words, as she was looking like a big bully. It looks like things might never return back to normal between Kary and D'Andra, hopefully, the other housewives don't get dragged into their messy situation and make things even worse.
'Real Housewives of Dallas' Season 5 airs every Tuesday at 9/8c only on Bravo.