'Real Housewives of New York City': Leah says she peed on a prince, amused fans call her an 'icon'

The new housewife on 'Real Housewives of New York City', Leah McSweeney, is without a doubt a very wild housewife. She marches to the beat of her own drum and isn't hesitant to call a spade a spade. In the previous episodes, we saw Leah acting all wild after getting drunk, but the latest episode gave us a peek into how wild she really is even when sober.
While vacationing at Dorinda Medley's house in Berkshire, the ladies went out for a shopping trip. There they end up sampling some cheese when Sonja Morgan casually enquires about where the cheese is from. The salesperson reveals that the cheese is from Burgundy, France, and Sonja gets thrilled on hearing it as her boyfriend is from the same place.
Leah and Elyse begin asking Sonja about her relationship. Sonja then explains that her boyfriend is a jet-setting entrepreneur with a lot of people from royal families as his friends, all the while looking at Leah. Sonja then explains to a puzzled Elyse that Leah met a prince and peed on him. Leah admits to it and shares that she met a prince in Spain and they had some fun. He then flew down to New York to meet her. This is when Leah peed on him. In her green room interview, she says she did it because how often does one get an opportunity to do something as wild as peeing on a prince? She said, "When am I gonna have the chance to pee on a Prince again?”
When fans heard Leah's story, they were amused and began calling her an 'icon'. A fan tweeted, "Leah is talking about peeing on a prince on a hookup. She is the moment. #RHONY." Another fan wrote, "Omg Leah!! Peeing on a Prince I don't think one of those other ladies can top that #RHONY." Another said, "Leah is a mother f***ing icon already. #RHONY." Another fan shared, "Leah just tell us you got flewed out to pee on a prince we’lol understand #RHONY." One more said, "I love how Sonja and Lu aren’t judging Leah for peeing on a prince, but they all almost fainted when they learned she had tattoos. #RHONY."
'Real Housewives of New York City' Season 12 airs every Thursday at 9/8 c only on Bravo.