‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’: Sutton's obsession with yacht phrases has fans calling her 'pretentious'

Each time Sutton Stracke appears on our screens, we mentally begin playing the great Countess Luann’s song ‘Money Can’t Buy Class’ in our head. The newest cast member on ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ is without a doubt loaded, but sadly lacks the class to go alongside her huge fortune.
In the latest episode, we saw Sutton meeting the OG housewife Kyle Richards for dinner. The two women quickly begin talking about their business ventures. Kyle, who is trying to get her foot into the fashion industry, gets unexpected help from Sutton. Sutton owns a boutique in Hollywood and offers to have Kyle do a truck show in her store. Kyle was thrilled at this opportunity, and the two start discussing their ideas for the collection. When Kyle suggests “leisurewear”, our snob queen doesn’t like it.
Sutton suggests Kyle jazz up the “leisurewear” line by calling it “yacht-wear” line. In case you’re wondering what’s a yacht-wear line, they are clothes you wear when you’re on yachts. Upon hearing this, an amused Kyle says they would scare away customers who don’t have yachts by naming the line that. Sutton grudgingly agrees to Kyle’s reasoning.
Later when they were discussing what kind of music they should play at their show, Sutton drops another one of her gems. She suggests playing “yacht rock”. Kyle took one for the team and asks Sutton what does "yacht rock" mean. At this point, Sutton looks very annoyed with her dinner guest for not even knowing yacht rock and then condescendingly replies saying it’s the music played on yachts.
When fans saw this bizarre yet hilarious exchange between Kyle and Sutton, they couldn’t help but be amused with Sutton’s yacht obsession. A fan tweeted, “Yacht wear, yacht rock.... yacht all got to go #Sutton #RHOBH.”
Another fan wrote, “Sutton making up fake ass bougie phrases. No one says “yacht rock” to describe music you play on a yacht or when she said “swimming pool” for ice in a drink. WTf?! #RHOBH.”
“So last episode Sutton couldn't stop name dropping this episode she won't shut the fuck up about yachts can we just mute her ass she's worse than Dana $25,000 sunglasses #RHOBH,” expressed a fan.
Several fans felt that the new cast member was coming across as very “pretentious”. A fan shared, “Does anyone else find Sutton pretentious? I mean "yacht wear" as if that doesn't alienate an entire population of consumers. Also..."yacht rock" is music you play on a yacht?! LMFAO Face with tears of joy #rhobh.”
“Why is Sutton so insufferable?! My god. She’s so pretentious and snobby. #rhobh,” wondered a fan.
Another fan pointed out, “Sutton saying “yacht wear” just shows how pretentious and tacky she is. Just call it resort wear and move on. I hope she grows on me. #RHOBH.”
You can catch episodes of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Season 10 every Wednesday at 8/7c on Bravo.