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'RHOBH': Aaron says 'cancer protects our immune system', fans wonder why he hasn't cured coronavirus yet

Aaron Phypers left everybody flabbergasted when he claimed that everyone has cancer and without it, we would be dead
UPDATED APR 30, 2020
Denise Richards, Aaron Phypers (Getty Images)
Denise Richards, Aaron Phypers (Getty Images)

We have seen a lot of interesting and rather bizarre storylines on ‘Real Housewives’ franchises, but nothing comes close to what we witnessed on the latest episode of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’. Kyle Richards invited all the housewives and friends and their partners to a dinner party at her house. Saying that the conversation at that dinner table was very bizarre would be putting it delicately.
It began with Kyle asking her dinner guest Aaron Phypers (Denise Richards's husband) what he does for a living. Before he launches into explaining his profession, Kyle tells everyone at the table that what he does is very fascinating, and even former cast member Yolanda Hadid visited him for help with managing her Lyme disease.

Aaron then begins explaining that he measures frequencies of atoms and neurons and electromagnetic waves in a person, and helps with unblocking them. He makes it simpler by saying that everything we know about how a disease progresses is false. He cites the example of cancer and says, “Cancer is your best friend that protects you. Everybody has cancer in them. Cancer protects your immune system from infections, and without cancer, one would die within 12 hours."


Fans were amused by his bizarre theory and had a lot of questions for him.

A fan tweeted, “Wait... there’s cancer in everyb- ...Wait what... I’m jus- hold on... what? #RHOBH." Another fan wrote, “White ppl are weird. Aaron is telling ppl that cancer is our best friend that prevented from ppl dying in 12 hours? lol wtf does he do? #RHOBH.”

“The insane babble on #RHOBH about cancer-protecting your immune system from infections and whatever Denise's husband is selling is why #scicomm is more important than ever (I still will always watch bravo),” said a fan.

Another declared, “That was the weirdest few minutes of Housewives I can remember. What WAS that? Is Aaron in QAnon?? #RHOBH.”

“What the hellllll is Aaron on?! That was some crazy talk #RHOBH,” commented a fan. “As someone who has previously worked in clinical research, specifically with oncology, Aaron doesn’t know what the f**k he’s talking about but I’m still cackling watching him try #RHOBH,” shared a fan.
Fans were also curious to know Aaron’s take on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A fan wrote, “I would love to know Aaron’s views on the Coronavirus #RHOBH.” 

“I’d love to get Dr. Aaron’s take on covid-19 #RHOBH,” seconded another fan. “Why hasn’t Aaron cured corona yet #RHOBH,” questioned a fan. “Does Aaron have the cure for COVID-19? Asking for the world...#RHOBH,” wondered a fan.
You can catch all new episodes of ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Season 10 every Wednesday, at 8/7c only on Bravo.