‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’: Noelle says she is gender fluid and fans love mom Cynthia's reaction

As the ladies of ‘RHOA’ are preparing to attend New York Pride event, Cynthia Bailey learns that her daughter Noelle is gender fluid. During a conversation, Cynthia learns that her daughter is interested in both women and men. Later, in her greenroom confessional, Cynthia says her daughter had told her that she might be gender fluid when she left for college but it came as a surprise to the housewife to see her daughter live up to it.
But the ever-loving and supportive mom that she is, Cynthia proudly accepts her daughter and says it doesn’t matter whether she is with a boy or girl as long as the other person is good. She tops off the heart-warming moment by saying “love is love." Fans were extremely happy to see the housewife be so supportive and accepting of her daughter’s sexuality.
A fan tweeted, “I love how open and supportive Cynthia is with Noelle while she explores her sexuality. Love it!!!! #RHOA." Another fan wrote, “Noelle just came out to Cynthia, and I love the way Cynthia handled it and was very accepting of it and supportive. #RHOA." “I really like how Cynthia handled Noelle telling her she likes girl! It sucks when parents instantly jump in their feelings when the child does something they don’t agree with! #RHOA", pointed out a fan.
Fans feel we need more parents like Cynthia who are open and acceptive of their children just the way they are. “Yasss, Noelle! Happy to see Cynthia supporting her daughter when Noelle told her about being attractive to guys and girls. WE NEED MORE PARENTS LIKE CYNTHIA! #RHOA”, expressed a fan. Another fan wrote, “Cynthia handled that talk with Noelle beautifully. #MomLove #RHOA”. “I love how Noelle just casually was like “yeah mom i’m lowkey sexually fluid” and Cynthia was just like “oh okay so u like guys and girls”... amazing i love our generation... #Rhoa”, tweeted a fan.
‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ season 12 airs every Sunday, at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo.