Bethenny Frankel calls Meghan Markle a 'Real Housewife' who WON'T SHUT UP even after leaving show

Meghan Markle just cannot seem to catch a break. Amidst a host of critics, now Bethenny Frankel, 51, has gone on a rant against the "self important" Duchess of Sussex, accusing her of "mimicking Princess Diana" in the recent episode of her podcast, 'Just B'. The former 'Real Housewives' star even said that Meghan Markle behaves like a former Real Housewife who has left the show but "won't stop talking about it" and that she should simply "let it go."
Frankel, in a surprising claim, said that "people don't like Meghan because she talks down to other people," including her royal in-laws. Her attacks against the royal family are always in "nuanced subtext," whether during her tell-all interviews or her recent episodes on the 'Archetypes' podcast. The 51-year-old businesswoman further urged Markle to stop talking in "Morse Code" and refrain from "creating more drama" for her husband, Prince Harry through the indirect jibes she takes at anyone who seemingly wronged her.
In another shocking claim, Frankel revealed that the last time she criticized the Sussexes, an "A-list person" had called her up and demanded she "take down what she said." In fact, during the same time when Meghan and Harry were in talks for the explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey, the same A-lister had stated that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex "could barely stand up in Frogmore Cottage" and "couldn't afford security."
Frankel had no shortage of adjectives to describe the 'Suits' actress, calling her a "polarizing person" who is "sanctimonious" in the way she behaves with others. "I think there's this subtext of elevation. She's up there, we're down here," she says, adding that Markle's self-importance may come from believing that she "just has institutional knowledge on life and has experienced more than any of us". In fact, the 'Real Housewives' star brands the Duchess as "a Housewife in that she can't stop talking about the very thing that she wants to be irrelevant."
In addition to her concerns about being relevant to the general masses, Markle also tries to "mimic" the beloved 'People's Princess', according to Frankel. "In that poised, orchestrated elegance, in that mimicking of Diana, in that Caroline Kennedy-style intentional, very natural, very slow speech. Being aghast at the word "diva". Who are you relating to?" she questions the 41-year-old Duchess, days after the latter was featured in an exhaustive 6400-word interview with 'The Cut'.