Ray Donovan Series 7 Episode 8: Naive Daryll gets played again and the results are tragic

Daryll Donovan has always been the nicest of the Donovan clan, that's probably because he's spent the least time with that flock of very disturbed seagulls. But the niceness pervading through him seems to have washed out not only his street-smarts but anything he's ever learned from Ray and Mickey about dealing with the dregs of society.
In Episode 7 Daryll decided that he had enough of Mickey treating him like a half-member of the family and makes off with Jim Sullivan's share bonds, even though they're in Terry's name (good luck cashing those Big D).
Already planning his early retirement in the Caribbean (for a minute he had us gasping at the thought that he may actually want to move to the Galapagos, although the Donovans vs the Iguanas does make for intriguing primetime viewing), Daryll calls Jasmine and asks her to go to his apartment and bring his passport to the motel in which he's holed up.
What Daryll doesn't know is that Declan Sullivan seems to be running a side play and is looking to get those shares back from Daryll. Declan, as crazy as a bag of cats, breaks into Daryll's apartment and is in it when Jasmine arrives for the passport. She doesn't see him, but needless to say Declan knows that she'll lead him to Daryll and follows her to the motel.
At the motel Declan meets Daryll and tells him that he will trade the shares for $2 million in cash. Daryll being Daryll, buys into it hook, line and sinker and sets up the swap. As they're waiting for Declan, a starry-eyed Daryll tells Jasmine that they'll buy one-way tickets to Antigua and live a life presumably sipping pina coladas, making babies, and folicking in the surf. But there's a catch, only a rock would trust Declan, and lo and behold he turns up with a bag full of blank pieces of paper and demands at gunpoint that Daryll give him the shares.
Daryll who is increasingly looking like a deer caught in the fog lamp of an 18-wheeler without brakes asks Jasmine to hand them over. Jasmine -- bless her shoot-first-ask-questions-later heart -- promptly pulls out a gun and shoots Declan's henchman. As Daryll and Jasmine speed away from the scene, Declan puts a few bullets into their car. Blood splatters as the car spins round the corner, and you can guess who's bought the farm.
As Daryll drives around in shock with Jasmine's bloodied lifeless body in the passenger seat you can't help but wonder how Daryll has managed to stay out of prison, or stay alive for that matter, for so long given the Donovans' propensity for kicking ass and forgetting names.
It's only matter of time before Daryll makes the "Ray, I need your help" call, but this time Ray may be too busy cleaning up his own mess to answer. And with Mickey in the wind, Daryll could well and truly be up the creek with a dead body and no oars.