'Surviving R. Kelly': Five shocking revelations from Lifetime's documentary that prompted him to sue the makers
The aftermath of the #MeToo movement that gained traction around the world following the New York Times' exposé on Harvey Weinstein saw several Hollywood bigwigs accused of sexual assault and subsequently shunned. Yet, this same #MeToo movement, which even saw the Silence Breakers named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, has had little effect on the music industry.
Ever since R&B singer R. Kelly first began making waves in the early '90s, he has been unable to shake allegations that he sleeps around with underage women, is sexually and physically abusive with all his partners, and is a megalomaniac whose obsessive thirst for control sees him run "sex cults" at his various residences across the country. But a highly-publicized trial aside — one that, to everyone's surprise, saw him acquitted of his all his child pornography charges — Kelly has been able to carry on producing music and performing in concerts across the world with little worry.
While the #MuteRKelly movement which branched off #MeToo has successfully put a dent in his seemingly impenetrable armor, the fact remains that the 51-year-old is still a free man.